Example sentences of "pull her [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She did not move , and when Troy stretched out his hand to pull her towards him , she fell back with a quick , low scream .
2 ‘ Stop it ! ’ she hissed as she felt him begin to pull her towards him .
3 Guy attempted to pull her into his arms , but she resisted , tensing violently against him .
4 She saw a small coffee shop on the other side of the lane and , taking Dana 's arm , tried to pull her with her .
5 He retained his hold on her wrist but made no move to pull her to her feet .
6 He tried to pull her to him .
7 Luckily for him , Amelia 's bodybuilding freak had been handling the entryphone and was there to pull her off him .
8 ‘ The season 's almost over now , ’ she said obliquely , not looking at him , and suddenly the arm descended to pull her against him .
9 The attacker went up to the woman as she rode around an area of the south London Common known as the arena , blocking her path when she tried to leave and twice attempting to pull her from her horse .
10 When his lips came back to hers , Jenna was soft and pliant , no resistance in her at all , and he rolled on to his back , pulling her over him fiercely and cupped her hot face in strong fingers .
11 ‘ To teach you something about trust , ’ he told her softly , pulling her into his arms .
12 She found herself agreeing weakly as he kissed her , pulling her into his arms as if he had every right .
13 Pulling her into his arms , he reassured gently , ‘ I love you , Hilary .
14 But do not be too tamed , ’ he added , pulling her into his arms .
15 He smiled and nodded , pulling her into his arms , so that he could speak close to her ear .
16 You came tonight ! ’ he said , pulling her into his arms .
17 Grabbing hold of that girl and pulling her into my chest is like a thousand dreams exploding , and her fragrance rocks me on my heels .
18 Her father stared down at her before taking hold of her arm and pulling her to her feet .
19 He bent and seized Madra 's hand , pulling her to her feet .
20 He stood abruptly , picking up the parcels and pulling her to her feet , his hand firmly on her arm , his face back to derision .
21 ‘ Now that ai n't friendly , ’ Will said and slid an arm round her waist , pulling her to him .
22 Fred leaned out and grabbed Carrie around the waist , pulling her to him .
23 His hand went to the small of her back , pulling her to him once more in spite of her resistance .
24 Her eyes fell irresistibly to the firm , broad chest , the gleam of hard , taut muscle and then he was pulling her to him , kissing her mouth , her neck , the base of her throat , finding the clasp of her bra , discarding it , so that her breasts hung heavy and exposed , aching with longing and desire .
25 But Will pushed into the crowd for a better view , pulling her with him .
26 Roman grasped her arm , pulling her with him into the hotel .
27 Pulling her towards him , he snarled , ‘ I think you need something to cheer you up , lassie . ’
28 She wanted to say , Please say something to me , please talk , but he had her still by her nipples and was pulling her towards him , then pushing her back .
29 Before she could break away one arm had snaked round her shoulders , pulling her towards him and crushing her face against his chest , then his dark head was obliterating the light , his hot lips seeking hers and to her shame finding them without any difficulty .
30 ‘ Duck ! ’ he called , pulling her after him .
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