Example sentences of "round [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The grandmother had ‘ a wee shop ’ and the aunt was ‘ a dressmaker , she made dresses and sold them cheap , round about the doors . ’
2 Autumn had given the trees that extra golden lustre and the leaves that had already fallen lay round about the mourners , feet like a russet carpet .
3 Round off the edges of the body and head .
4 If Owen looked round for the cameras , North acted throughout as though he was sure they were there .
5 She peered round for the nuns , but they were nowhere to be seen .
6 ‘ We 'll go round past the stables and cut across the fields , ’ he told her .
7 At that point Kalchu stood up , rummaged round behind the rafters and , after a while , pulled out a dusty horn which he handed me .
8 Looking at the report and using the present criteria for increase in pensions and these are the figures that I did n't produce but er they look pretty bleak as I said because what the pensions can expect next year will be eighty four P for single pensioners and one twenty eight in that area for a couple and then we had look at we have some concern of what happened yesterday in a statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer who said he is going to extend V A T and also it has now been that instead of putting on half of it in nineteen ninety four he put the full pile at seventeen and a half percent in nineteen ninety four because what was being saved is that if he 's leave the other half to nineteen ninety five it 'll be round near the elections and er there could be some difficulty .
9 gon na pick up cheap pickings , they 're gon na go round like the vultures , just taking it and taking it
10 He lifted his head , his face grey with outrage , and firmly closed the book before he looked round at all the carefully respectful countenances ringing him round like the pales of a fence , a barrier through which he found the only dignified way , at someone else 's expense .
11 Immediately after the coup , Prime Minister Zahedi and his son Ardeshir who had helped round up the demonstrators , met their American advisers .
12 ‘ Their hair 's usually shorter and you do n't have all that messing round with the tongs ’ as one hairdresser cheerfully explained .
13 You could of gone round with the kinks
14 ‘ When we were hunters , two and a half million years ago roaming round with the monkeys , only 15–20 per cent of our diet was fat .
15 Someone had to go round with the coals , wash up , sweep , scrub , polish , fetch and carry .
16 Erm and again I put erm things about putting details in the post although you , although you did try and overcome that one erm but you , you just could n't , you could n't get Steven to realize the benefit of you actually going round with the illustrations rather than you just sending it and you needed to get , to get the appointment out of him rather than because if he got the illustrations in the post he may never read them .
17 And when I saw Oliver holding them I still believed that was the most probable explanation — Stuart had sent Oliver round with the flowers .
18 She had just come in , having staggered round with the dogs , and she and they were covered with ‘ sweethearts ’ as the locals accurately called burrs — hard to get rid of .
19 Seconds later , when he marched off at the interval , Gooch got another ovation and handshakes all round from the Australians .
20 ‘ There 's this competitive rugby survey thing that 's come round from The Times , ’ said Reg Certes , the club secretary .
21 As soon as the gentleman came round from the stables on his horse , the lad pelted down town and across the building sites to alert the men .
22 As they left the Springall mansion and waited in Cheapside for an ostler to bring their horses round from the stables , Athelstan sensed Cranston was furious with him but the coroner waited until they had mounted and moved away from the house before stopping and giving full vent to his fury .
23 Schmidt had been able to hear the chauffeur crashing round in the woods .
24 Mrs Hellyer only came once a week and though Dad did some of the housework , shuffling round in the mornings and yawning , almost everything had a skin of dust over it and smelt mouldy , like furniture stored in an attic .
25 But you see , today , I mean , if you go in Newmarket today that 's all tied up round in the windows where we did n't have it in the window , no not at all .
26 ‘ I do n't want any bloody lunch , ’ said Dyson , thinking of the usual crowd standing round in the Gates .
27 Among the small land birds , an obvious change in the last half century has been a dramatic turn round in the fortunes of two birds in the bunting family .
28 And then they used to put them in er er small boxes out in the field and er I used to go round in the woodlands and cut some you see , put them in the ground with a small branch on them and then we used to make some string and loops out of erm wire to go round their feet you see .
29 Some gave themselves fierce noms de guerre , ‘ Rambo ’ and ‘ El Negro ’ , as if their only purpose was fighting for its own sake , though even that purpose was largely wishful thinking ; much of their time was spent hanging round in the camps , doing nothing .
30 It was cheers all round in the winners ' enclosure and for Nicholson , the man they call the Duke , it was time to feel like a king .
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