Example sentences of "relate to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This art was continued by his son Thomas until 1826 , the scenes often relating to a description or incident in the book chosen for decoration .
2 Between 1821 and 1842 he took out five patents , one of them for a ‘ suspension railway ’ which was tried out unsuccessfully in Cheshunt , and two relating to a system of constructing roofs and bridge decks in corrugated wrought or cast iron , which was for a time quite extensively used .
3 Conflict of Laws — Jurisdiction — Restitution — Banks conducting speculative financial transactions on behalf of local authorities — Transactions declared void ab initio — Banks ' claims for restitution against Scottish authority brought in England — Motion by Scottish authority to strike out for want of jurisdiction — Whether special jurisdiction in English court — Whether matter ‘ relating to a contract ’ — Whether ‘ relating to tort ’ — Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 ( c. 27 ) , Sch .
4 Held , allowing the application , that the provision in article 5(1) of the 1968 Convention conferring special jurisdiction in respect of ‘ matters relating to a contract ’ required the existence of either a contractual relationship between the parties giving rise to actual contractual obligations , or a consensual relationship closely akin to a contract and with comparable obligations ; and that , since the transactions between the plaintiffs and defendants had been void ab initio , no contracts existed within the meaning of article 5(1) ; that the jurisdiction under article 5(3) was restricted to claims based on tort , delict or quasi-delict and did not extend to claims for restitution ; that article 6(1) was not applicable since under the terms of the order of Steyn J. the restitution claims would not be heard and determined together and , in any event , any irreconcilable judgments would be subject to a final decision of the House of Lords , binding in both England and Scotland ; and that , accordingly , there were no grounds for invoking the special jurisdiction to allow the defendants to be sued in England ( post , pp. 836F , 837B–D , 838E , 840B–D , 842H — 843B , G , G–H ) .
5 A person domiciled in a part of the United Kingdom may , in another part of the United Kingdom , be sued : ( 1 ) in matters relating to a contract , in the courts for the place of performance of the obligation in question ; … ( 3 ) in matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict , in the courts for the place where the harmful event occurred or in the case of a threatened wrong is likely to occur ; … ( 8 ) in proceedings — ( a ) concerning a debt secured on immovable property ; or ( b ) which are brought to assert , declare or determine proprietary or possessory rights , or rights of security , in or over movable property , or to obtain authority to dispose of movable property , in the courts of the part of the United Kingdom in which the property is situated .
6 The decision on this paragraph turns on the proper construction of the crucial words ‘ in matters relating to a contract , ’ it not being disputed that the place of performance of the obligation in question ( if it exists ) was England .
7 In the present case , he submitted , the House of Lords has now conclusively ruled that there is not and never was a contract , and it is thus apparent on the plain words of article 5(1) itself that these restitutionary claims can not possibly be properly classified as matters relating to a contract .
8 ( iv ) Although the claims in these actions are not made for the performance of the obligations under the contracts or as a result of their breach , they do concern matters relating to a contract , since the court is determining the consequences of the nullity of the contracts , particularly with regard to the contractual matters of total failure of consideration and payments under a mistake .
9 ( a ) The provision of article 10(1) ( e ) in the Convention on the Law applicable to Contractual Obligations 1980 ( ‘ the Rome Convention ’ ) , enacted into English law by the Contracts ( Applicable Law ) Act 1990 , that the law applicable to a contract shall govern , inter alia , ‘ the consequences of nullity of the contract , ’ supports the view that on the proper independent interpretation of article 5(1) the consequences of nullity must be treated as within the scope of the phrase ‘ matters relating to a contract . ’
10 Thus the concept of matters relating to a contract serves as a criterion to define the scope of one of the rules of special jurisdiction available to the plaintiff .
11 Therefore , and as the court ruled on similar grounds in relation to the words , ‘ the operation of a branch , agency or other establishment ’ referred in article 5(5) of the Convention ( judgment of 22 November 1978 in Somafer v. Saar-Ferngas A.G. ( Case 33/78 ) [ 1978 ] E.C.R. 2183 ) , the concept of matters relating to a contract should be regarded as an independent concept which , for the purpose of the application of the Convention , must be interpreted by reference chiefly to the system and objectives of the Convention , in order to ensure it is fully effective .
12 ‘ Are proceedings relating to the wrongful repudiation of an ( independent ) commercial agency agreement and the payment of commission due under such an agreement proceedings in matters relating to a contract within the meaning of article 5(1) of the Brussels Convention of 27 September 1968 ?
13 As the court held in its judgment of 22 March 1983 in Martin Peters Bauunternehmung G.m.b.H . v. Zuid Nederlandse Aannemers Vereniging ( Case 34/82 ) [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 the concept of ‘ matters relating to a contract ’ serves as a criterion to define the scope of one of the rules of special jurisdiction available to the plaintiff .
14 Consequently , the concept of ‘ matters relating to a contract ’ is to be regarded as an independent concept which , for the purpose of the application of the Convention , must be interpreted by reference principally to the system and objectives of the Convention in order to ensure that it is fully effective .
15 There is no doubt that a claim for the payment of commission due under an independent commercial agency agreement finds its very basis in that agreement and consequently constitutes a matter relating to a contract within the meaning of article 5(1) of the Convention .
16 The House of Lords having held that the swap transactions were void ab initio , the suggestion that the restitutionary claims in these actions are in matters relating to a contract seems to me to be placing a very severe strain indeed on the language of article 5(1) .
17 It was no doubt proper and necessary for the Rome Convention to stipulate a proper law applicable to the consequences of nullity of the contract in order to embody a comprehensive conflicts of law code ; but it by no means follows that the consequences of nullity are matters relating to a contract , since ex hypothesi no contract existed ; nor is article 10(1) ( e ) comparable with article 10(1) ( c ) ( which is the sub-paragraph cited in the Arcado case [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 1539 ) or indeed with sub-paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( d ) of article 10(1) , since in all these instances there is a contract in existence .
18 ( c ) I do not think the Engdiv case , 1990 S.L.T. 617 assists Mr. Beazley , since both the pursuers seeking contribution and the defenders resisting it were parties to the building contract at issue in the case , so that it was difficult to resist the submission that the claim for contribution in that case was in a matter relating to a contract .
19 As the court held with respect to the expression ‘ matters relating to a contract ’ used in article 5(1) ( see the judgments of 22 March 1983 in Peters [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 , and of 8 March 1988 in Arcado [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 1539 ) , having regard to the objectives and general scheme of the Convention , it is important that , in order to ensure as far as possible the equality and uniformity of the rights and obligations arising out of the Convention of the contracting states and the persons concerned , that concept should not be interpreted simply as referring to the national law of one or other of the states concerned .
20 It is to be noted that this proposition appears to have been doubted by the Court of Appeal subsequently in Francome v. Mirror Group Newspapers Ltd , where Sir Robert 's remarks were distinguished as relating to a case involving the detection of crime .
21 A social worker , for example , may refuse to divulge confidential information relating to a case coming before a committee , or an architect may decline to sign the necessary documents if a professional judgement is not satisfied .
22 The only type of legal research that most practising lawyers want to do is research into the law relating to a case that they have on hand .
23 Particular conditions relating to a course are shown when appropriate .
24 The royalty was first introduced in France in order to assist widows of artists who were killed in World War I. Although France and Germany are now the main countries where this royalty operates , it is on the statute books of another eight European countries within the EC at present ; only the UK , Ireland , the Netherlands and Greece do not have laws relating to a resale royalty .
25 It will be recalled that all transfers of property ordered by the court take effect only after the decree absolute ( Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 , s24(3) ) , at which time the exemption relating to a transfer between husband and wife is not applicable .
26 This has enabled us to secure a significant contract relating to a drug delivery system . ’
27 Community Network 's novel triangular report was described as ‘ original and effective ’ and praised for its ‘ imaginative ’ layout , but was faulted on two technical points — one relating to a trading subsidiary , the other to the breakdown of administrative expenses .
28 A local authority applied for a care order relating to a girl who was nearly four years old .
29 Ltd. , sought determination by the court of questions arising out of a charterparty made between themselves and the defendants , Woodhouse Drake & Carey ( Suisse ) S.A. , relating to a cargo of rice on board the vessel Mary .
30 There was also a " thematic " test relating to a day out journey in which a bus timetable was used .
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