Example sentences of "individual who [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We are sure that the exercise will prove beneficial both to ourselves and to the individuals who undertake the unit .
2 Currently , resignations of the underwriting members , the wealthy individuals who back the market with their private wealth which allows it to function , are running at 1,900 .
3 If I presented a collage of the cases written by individuals who support the product strategy , it would not differ significantly .
4 Look , who should be the leaders , the individuals who make the decisions that affect the lives of ordinary people ?
5 the organisation , since it is not rigidly structured , is capable of adapting quickly to meet change ; however , the success in adapting will depend on the luck or judgement of the key individuals who make the rapid decisions ; and
6 The physical segregation of the city ‘ offers the group , and thereby the individuals who compose the group , a place and a role in the total organisation of city life ’ .
7 Individuals who use the lexical route for word recognition will not suffer this interference , but they will not necessarily be able to determine that a spelling is incorrect provided that the word sounds acceptable .
8 Organizations that are successful in integrated designing are often started and run by outstanding individuals who know the business , like Morita , Hewlett and Packard .
9 It excludes the contributions made by individuals who finance the sending of telexes and telegrams as well as the funds required to support national sections .
10 He defines a class as a group of individuals who share a similar position in a market economy and by virtue of that fact receive similar economic rewards .
11 But there are often insurmountable practical difficulties in doing this given that , under most random sampling procedures , it is individuals who have to be contacted not types of individuals who satisfy the quota controls as in quota sampling .
12 There are similar disputes , first , between a Grand Theory of history ( system ) and the claim that states ( units ) make whatever international society there is ; secondly , between analyses that make the national state internally sovereign in its policy and decisions ( system ) and those which fragment it into its bureaucracies ( units ) ; thirdly , between bureaucracy ( system ) and the human individuals who play the internal roles ( units ) .
13 Although it is the mood disturbance that stands out in affective psychosis , individuals who meet the criteria for either the ‘ unipolar ’ or the ‘ bipolar ’ form ( as they are sometimes called ) sometimes also show features reminiscent of schizophrenia , as we shall see for several of the subjects evaluated in this book .
14 ‘ Moreover , it is important to realise that a commitment to animal welfare is consistent with striving to improve the overall condition of those individuals who have a welfare , both humans and other animals , even if this means decreasing the welfare of some .
15 Equally , the law recognizes that a company is a discrete and separate legal entity from those individuals who have a financial interest in it .
16 This is a very important factor because it biases police activity against the poorly spoken , badly dressed and ill-educated individuals who have the least power , and the fewest people of influence to back them up .
17 Pareto defined an elite at its simplest as those individuals who have the highest indices of excellence in any particular activity , whether it be train-robbing , fishing , political science , or big business .
18 The outcomes of the decisions of the individual are stochastic , so that two individuals who have the same opportunity set and the same tastes , and thus make the same decisions , may still have different incomes .
19 It says : ‘ The individuals who vandalise the building are destitute of any sense of knowledge .
20 Here and there in that hard , shining city there are individuals who think the same way as he does .
21 Alternatively , it has been suggested that the trend is simply a reflection of the large numbers of businesses which have been established by unemployed individuals who see no prospect of finding gainful employment .
22 Losses that look like totalling £6 billion in the years 1988–91 have ruined many names — the individuals who provide the market 's capital on the basis of unlimited liability .
23 Periodically there are press reports of otherwise healthy individuals who need no sleep at all .
24 Fourth , twenty-nine to forty-eight months after acquiring HIV-1 infection , our 3 patients show no signs or symptoms of progression to AIDS , which contrasts with the concept that individuals who experience an acute illness associated with seroconversion have a more rapid progression to AIDS .
25 yes I , I would suggest that I , I do n't know the particular individual who put the words together , but you would have to ask Mr the marketing director for that information
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