Example sentences of "statement make by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Please note that , whilst the above are not actual statements made by a serious accident victim , they have been selected because we believe they give a fair representation of the kind of problems which may occur after an accident .
2 If , as I think , significance should only be attached to the clear statements made by a minister or other promoter of the Bill , the difficulty of knowing what weight to attach to such statements is not overwhelming .
3 It is assumed that the statements made by a small number of teachers during the case study interviews each refer to one or more underlying attitudes , towards the Solihull scheme or towards SSE as a general notion .
4 ‘ In fact , it contradicts some statements made by the Commission . ’
5 In accordance with general practice in Jamaica the prosecution disclosed to the defence the depositions of those witnesses taken at the committal hearing , but not their earlier statements to the police ; they did not disclose to the defence before or during the trial a statement made to the police by the deceased 's husband and two statements made by the deceased 's sister , relating to incidents not covered in their depositions , which were inconsistent with their evidence at trial .
6 The prosecution sought to adduce in evidence documents which contained statements made by the defendant in the earlier bankruptcy proceedings .
7 An exclusion clause which would otherwise be incorporated by one of the methods referred to above , may nevertheless be overridden by later statements made by the seller to the buyer .
8 That is why I deplore the various policy statements made by the right hon. Member for Gorton in the past opposing the deployment of Trident .
9 Is the Secretary of State aware that the Opposition welcome the statements made by the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach at last night 's meeting , on the future progress of talks between the two Governments , and that Northern Ireland will be high on their agenda — as it will on the agenda of the Labour Government ?
10 The latter can certainly be encouraged by statements made by the head .
11 The second sheet which is headed commitments , is a list which is derived from er the statements made by the different authorities , er about the number of dwellings which are already permitted in one form or another .
12 And having looked at identified needs for affordable housing , within again various statements made by the local authorities and compared those with the commitments that are left , in other words the places where they they could reasonably be found , we get some fairly large percentages of affordable housing requirement le on on on the remaining land .
13 My letter ( HAS March 17 ) sought to correct the misleading statements made by the residents of Lakeside to The Northern ( March 5 and 6 ) .
14 The trial judge , however , directed the jury that there was no evidence available against the first appellant that he was acting in concert , and that the only evidence that there was a concerted attack came , if the jury accepted it , from statements made by the second appellant outwith the presence of the first appellant .
15 Later , when dealing with the case against the appellant Low , and having told the jury that they could not consider as evidence against him any statements made by the second appellant , he added : ‘ Now in deciding what it was that the first accused is proved to have done , you must consider all the evidence available in the case against the first accused in coming to this decision , but only that evidence . ’
16 I was going by a brief statement made by the officer which indicated that it expired on the thirty first of March .
17 I can do no more than endorse the statement made by the proposer and would just like to formally second the proposal resolution number two .
18 This point was made even clearer in a later case involving the Chief Justice , in which he stated that a ‘ breach of the Act or the Code did not mean that any statement made by a defendant after such breach would necessarily by ruled out .
19 Twenty years ago Estelle Fuchs discussed the implications of the following statement made by an enthusiastic teacher in an urban school :
20 This , however , is not an adequate explanation because it can not account for the kind of statement made by the apprentice of his appreciation of the grandeur of work that was quoted by Willis ( 1976 ) and repeated earlier in this paper .
21 The statement made by the victim should also contain a description of the injury ,
22 Evidence given by officers at the court martial and the statement made by the judge advocate at the close of the proceedings supported by Amnesty International 's concern that Vic Williams was not guaranteed reasonable access to information about procedures for registering his conscientious objection to military service in the Gulf War .
23 The prosecution tried to rebutt this defence by offerring evidence of a statement made by the defendant to the police in which he inferred that he wanted to get rid of the person he attacked .
24 The statement made by the timber firm to the dock company had not come to the attention of the innocent purchaser ; it therefore could not have misled him .
25 In view of the statement made by the Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary that terrorist movements can be destroyed very effectively from within , will the Secretary of State consult his right hon. Friend the Prime Minister to ensure that the full weight of the intelligence services is brought to bear on all terrorist movements within the United Kingdom ?
26 I know from a statement made by the Secretary of State in response to the Independent article , a copy of which I have here .
27 The statement made by the right hon. Gentleman on 2 July included the following two sentences : ’ At present advice and assistance but not representation are available to those whose means qualify them under the legal aid green form scheme .
28 If shares are being issued and listing particulars or a prospectus are required , reporting accountants may also be asked to provide a private comfort letter on the statement made by the directors as to the adequacy of working capital even if the transaction does not require formal comfort to be given .
29 H This Contract shall represent all the terms agreed between the parties hereto and the buyer hereby admits that no statement made by the seller or his agent has induced him to enter into this Contract except written statements , if any , made by the seller 's conveyancers .
30 It took as its theme part of the statement made by the Labour and Socialist International with regard to national United Fronts : Past experience goes to show that such negotiations in individual countries may unfortunately only too easily be turned into manoeuvres by the Communists , with the result that they help to poison the situation and increase the mistrust in the Labour Movement instead of diminishing it .
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