Example sentences of "attention back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It had been impossible to thwart him under the glare of media attention back at the restaurant , and she was still trying to decide how to deal with the situation if he wanted to come in with her when they reached her apartment — and she knew he would want to .
2 The publication by Lobachevsky in 1829 of a consistent ( non-Euclidean ) geometry , in which Euclid 's parallel postulate is denied , should perhaps have turned mathematicians ' attention back to a study of axioms , especially as it had long been appreciated that Euclid 's use of the axiomatic method was , to say the least , inconsistent ( [ 106 ] contains stronger views . )
3 The doctor turned his attention back to the carving .
4 Finally , Bella glanced at her , but then turned her attention back to the screen again .
5 Evelyn took up the pen and wrote her name quickly , then looked up at Miss Harker who gave her the briefest of nods and immediately turned her attention back to the rest of the company .
6 Then when the social worker turned her attention back to the traffic , Gilly carefully spread the gum under the handle of the left-hand door as a sticky surprise for the next person who might try to open it .
7 Maggie quickly brought her attention back to the cross-eyed girl and forgot all about the young man .
8 The car lurched towards the far side of the road and her mother anxiously wrenched it back on course , then turned her attention back to the dash and at last flipped the switch which folded the roof down .
9 A crash on the stairs and a thumping on the door opposite jerks her attention back to the lavatory door which badly needs repainting .
10 Connors shrugged , and turned his attention back to the tape recorder .
11 He glanced quickly across to check on Delaney and Nell , and was turning his attention back to the others , when he frowned .
12 After he had left , Major Tzann turned his attention back to the pile of papers and correspondence on his desk .
13 It was our unclouded commitment to women , and greater insistence that the fundamentals of sexism should be tackled without compromise , that brought youth service attention back to the young women who for decades had been excluded by boys and men .
14 Even before Juron ordered the targeting of the Titan that had been touched by the vortex implosion , Lexandro wrenched his attention back to the immediate peril .
15 This is the reason why in recent years theorists have turned their attention back to the question of the historicity of historical understanding , to its status as interpretation , representation or narrative , and , more radically , to the problem of temporality as such .
16 Whitlock turned his attention back to the barbecue and prodded each chop with a steak knife to find out if they were properly cooked .
17 Rosie lost sight of it when it disappeared behind a cardboard box and she turned her attention back to the door .
18 Hazel was watching Fiver as he took in the sight of the field , when Buckthorn drew his attention back to the foot of the slope .
19 ‘ God give me strength , ’ he yelled , instantly turning his attention back to the younger man who stood before him , and whose woebegone expression would have been comical were it not so pitiful .
20 He turned his attention back to the screen .
21 Ben stared at his father momentarily , then turned his attention back to the T'ang .
22 Then , without waiting for an answer , turned his attention back to the boar , which had begun to slam its shoulder into one of the pens .
23 Then she turned her attention back to the painting .
24 He glanced at her quickly , then turned his attention back to the road .
25 Luke had turned his attention back to the other women , and none of them had attention to spare for anyone but him .
26 A horrible weakness seemed to have invaded her limbs and it took a supreme effort to drag her attention back to the conversation .
27 Felipe de Santis nodded and gave his attention back to the flight .
28 Turning his attention back to the sea of faces crowding the corridor on either side of him , he addressed them firmly , injecting his voice with a confidence he did n't feel in order to reassure them .
29 The urgent blare of his car horn drew their attention back to the sheriff 's tall figure .
30 Grunte , whose attention had been momentarily distracted by the sight of Amaranth on the front page , switched his attention back to the telephone .
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