Example sentences of "ensure that [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A similar level of response in the other regions should ensure that many thousands of new users throughout the country are brought into the brand .
2 The Bill will ensure that many more prisoners will refuse to join or support others ' plans to forgo the consequences of their offending .
3 So Wimpey 's commitment to providing affordable social housing should ensure that many further opportunities will arise . ’
4 We must ensure that that terrible mistake is not repeated .
5 Mick is already compiling a list of G M B councillors which will no doubt help in trying to er , ensure that that particular motion meets its objectives in the coming year .
6 If we accept ( and the case has been argued in detail with respect to habituation ; Chapter 2 , pp. 50–3 ) that the presentation of S2 modify the representation of S1 that is formed , then generalization decrement will ensure that little latent inhibition will be evident after S1 — S2 pre-exposure .
7 The fast process would ensure that each cortical neuron tended to respond to an input feature that was different from the features of other cortical neurons .
8 ( b ) The interests of justice which must ensure that all relevant evidence is available to the court .
9 ( 2 ) That no stay was to be imposed unless a defendant established on the balance of probabilities that , owing to the delay , he would suffer serious prejudice to the extent that no fair trial could be held , in that the continuation of the prosecution amounted to a misuse of the process of the court ; that , in assessing whether there was likely to be prejudice and if so whether it could properly be described as serious , the court should bear in mind the trial judge 's power at common law and under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to regulate the admissibility of evidence , the trial process itself which should ensure that all relevant factual issues arising from delay would be placed before the jury as part of the evidence for their consideration , and the judge 's powers to give appropriate directions before the jury considered their verdict ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's decision to stay the proceedings had been wrong , since such delay as there had been was not unjustifiable , the chances of prejudice were remote , the degree of potential prejudice was small , the powers of the judge and the trial process itself would have provided ample protection for the police officer , there was no danger of the trial being unfair and in any event the case was not exceptional so as to justify the ruling ( post , p. 19B–E ) .
10 In assessing whether there is likely to be prejudice and if so whether it can properly be described as serious , the following matters should be borne in mind : first , the power of the judge at common law and under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to regulate the admissibility of evidence ; secondly , the trial process itself , which should ensure that all relevant factual issues arising from delay will be placed before the jury as part of the evidence for their consideration , together with the powers of the judge to give appropriate directions to the jury before they consider their verdict .
11 In assessing whether there is likely to be prejudice and if so whether it can properly be described as serious , the following matters should be borne in mind : first , the power of the judge at common law and under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to regulate the admissibility of evidence ; secondly , the trial process itself , which should ensure that all relevant factual issues arising from delay will be placed before the jury as part of the evidence for their consideration , together with the powers of the judge to give appropriate directions to the jury before they consider their verdict .
12 Familiarity with the local history of the area is very important , as detailed local knowledge , both on the ground and with the available documents and old maps , will ensure that all remaining features of such deserted settlements will be found .
13 The GMC should ensure that all final year medical students understand what they can reasonably expect .
14 In its report , Control of Nursing Manpower , published in February 1986 , the Committee of Public Accounts acknowledged that progress had been made by nurse managers but went on to recommend that the " DHSS should ensure that all general managers are made aware of all the possibilities for economies identified in the C & AG 's report " ( 2 ) .
15 The draftsman should give consideration to doing so in all renewal leases ( see Form 15 ) but if this is done , the tenant 's adviser must ensure that all necessary ancillary rights are expressly granted by the lease .
16 The Committee recommends that the NHS Management Executive should ensure that all English Regional Health Authorities set broad standards for waiting times for such appointments , and that the Management Executive should require District Health Authorities and Family Health Services Authorities to take urgent action to reduce waiting times for first appointments .
17 We will ensure that all local authorities publish information about the social services that are available , including information on standards and complaints procedures .
18 Do n't leave them until they are so developed and tough that they will not easily pull away and have to be cut ; this is merely pruning and you will thereby ensure that several adventitious shoots will grow to replace the one being removed .
19 We must ensure that any new action does not jeopardise what we have done or make us lose more than we have gained . ’
20 In such circumstances the draftsman should ensure that any new tenancy is also " contracted out " .
21 The acquirer must , therefore , ensure that any important representations which induced it to wish to buy the target or the business are covered by a warranty contained in the agreement .
22 Now the Presbyterian Church as the Church of Scotland enjoys a unique place in Scottish life and its structures it has a privileged place but I would suggest to you it has also therefore a number of responsibilities and one , I would suggest in this case , is to try and ensure that these local regional teams are in place .
23 However Much rural housing became a public issue , which it did periodically until 1914 , the depression in agriculture generally ensured that little new building took place and it became more and more apparent that housing conditions in rural areas would receive no dramatic improvement without external intervention .
24 To avoid the problems encountered with ICI , NIREX had ensured that all these sites were in sympathetic ownership .
25 But the personalities of the fossil hunters involved have ensured that this protective move by the Ethiopians has developed into an acrimonious tussle .
26 Although the invitation was surprisingly withdrawn the following day , Sweden had ensured that some free trade momentum would be maintained .
27 Climatic fluctuations have ensured that most polar soils are recently formed ; because of ice-induced turbidity and slowness of soil-forming processes in cold conditions , the soils remain mostly immature , and unpromising media for the growth of vegetation .
28 ( 3 ) A recognised body shall not enter in its register of members any person until that person has submitted a Compensation Fund covenant to the Council and shall so far as possible ensure that all beneficial owners of any shares submit such a covenant to the Council .
29 The SIB , for its part , takes the view that there should be trading and price determining systems which ensure that all qualified participants have equitable access to the market ; and so that market prices can adequately reflect prevailing forces of supply and demand .
30 Ensure that all long-stay care is run well and increase single room accommodation .
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