Example sentences of "ensure [that] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Before we rush into changes to the homicide law , we must ensure that such changes do not do more harm than good .
2 We must ensure that such movements are not given the opportunity to develop in our own country .
3 Only that , he says would ensure that such disputes over legal procedure were sorted out before a case ever went to trial .
4 A Rail Regulator will ensure that all companies have fair access to the track and will make sure that those who win the franchises honour the terms of their contract .
5 A new Rail Regulator — who will ensure that all companies have fair access to the track — will award the franchises and make sure that the franchisees honour the terms of the contract .
6 A national in-service training programme will ensure that all teachers are fully qualified in the subject they are teaching .
7 The Scheme will ensure that all solicitors ' representatives who give police station advice do so to an agreed standard of competence .
8 Government purchasing power should also ensure that all ingredients are better quality , healthier and fresher .
9 We will ensure that all tiers of regional and local government publish a ‘ Charter of Services ’ , giving citizens clear rights to standards of service , and remedies if these are not met .
10 the new computerised call and recall system will ensure that all women in this age group are offered a test at least one every five years .
11 Being a sensible young man he calculated energy changes for each reaction and used Standard Electrode Potentials , ( beloved of all A-level chemists ) claiming that this would ensure that all reactions he carried out were safe .
12 Will he ensure that all discussions that take place are opened up for us to criticise and assist ?
13 The Careers Service has considerable expertise and experience of local firms ; it will ensure that all offers are made in good faith , and that the jobs are worthwhile .
14 Employers should ensure that all wardens receive basic training in dealing with dementia .
15 We will ensure that all parts of government adopt a strategic approach to the employment and development of women staff .
16 This new access , along with the proposed cross harbour road and rail bridges , shall ensure that all parts of the Harbour Estate are directly linked to Northern Ireland 's motorway system .
17 The cashier will ensure that all valuables in the safe or in a safety deposit box are collected by the guest and a signed receipt obtained .
18 The whole-school approach implies that ALL staff will ensure that all pupils with special needs are identified and provided for .
19 Its data-holding potential allows it to be used to help ensure that all pupils are involved in the game as well as the traditional competitive classroom activity , testing .
20 The lists , he argued , would ensure that all children had a chance to read widely from some of the great literature of ‘ our literary heritage and those of other cultures ’ .
21 We will ensure that all children have their memories for each of the foundation subjects tested at the ages of seven , 11 , 13 and 16 .
22 Less-damaging coolants than CFCs are being developed , and an international agreement signed in June 1990 will ensure that all CFCs are progressively phased out over the next few years .
23 The use of a facility such as ‘ Office Power ’ and its electronic mail capabilities would ensure that all aspects of a case could be considered timeously without fear of hard copy correspondence being lost between different sections inadvertently or otherwise not actioned .
24 Their objective is , in many respects , similar to that of Alfred Marshall some eighty years earlier , namely to graft a theory of the cycle on to a theory of value which asserts that , in a competitive economy , the interaction between the forces of supply and demand will ensure that all markets clear .
25 We will ensure that all schools teach the same basic subjects .
26 ( 6 ) As well as ensuring that documents do not fall into the wrong hands , the parties should ensure that any meetings or " due diligence " exercises are conducted discreetly , to avoid rumour and speculation .
27 You must ensure that any loads carried or towed or secured and do check and see , do not overload your vehicle or trailer , when on a motor cycle , scooter or moped you must wear a safety helmet or designed which maybe fastened securely , you also must wear sturdy boots and gloves , tell other seen , wear something bright coloured or bright , reflect the material , open the door , brighten materials help in daylight as do and sheen .
28 A third party which knows it is dealing with a State acting on behalf of another State should ensure that any agreements fall within the authority of the protecting State .
29 This should help ensure that any recommendations made are both practical and enforceable .
30 If the landlord prefers to covenant to maintain the outer half of all internal non load-bearing walls dividing the premises from other parts of the building and recovering the cost via the service charge , the tenant should ensure that any sums collected by the landlord from other tenants under the terms of their leases to maintain their half of the divisional wall should be deducted from the service charge .
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