Example sentences of "present her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lady Miriam 's three-year-old granddaughter , Franchesca Hubbard , will present her with a posy of flowers when she arrives .
2 When she came back to him he must present her with a positive plan of action .
3 She sits at the marriage banquet , apparently in a cafe , and the harlequin has just presented her with a bouquet .
4 He turned to a small cabinet mounted high on the kitchen wall , and in a moment had presented her with a glass of water and two white capsules that she swallowed obediently and not without relief .
5 Now all her hard work has been recognised by West Lothian Arts who have presented her with an Arts Individual Award .
6 In one such festival , her husband shows his love for her by presenting her with a new dress and himself attending to her hairdo and make up .
7 He imagined himself walking up to her and presenting her with a single red rose .
8 ‘ I made this for you , Anna , ’ he had said , presenting her with a small wooden doll .
9 BLIND pensioner Dennis Coan has just celebrated six months of wedded bliss to his sweetheart Ellen by presenting her with a wooden rocking chair .
10 But was that really her fault — or was I presenting her with an impossible task ?
11 Mr Kinnock has learnt that it is more effective to mock the Prime Minister as an anachronism in a brave new world than snarl the word ‘ Thatcherism ’ and present her as the personification of all evil .
12 If successful , he presents her with a package of sperm and she collects this in her vent .
13 Her outstanding efforts will be rewarded on May 5 when HRH Prince Philip presents her with a certificate at a special ceremony in St.
14 She describes her readers ' profession as ‘ dynamic and exciting ’ , all of which presents her with the problem of writing content erudite yet lively , weighty but not pompous .
15 Many right-wing back-bench critics of the government ( but supporters of Mrs Thatcher ) could voice their criticism without including her and liked to present her as a political prisoner of Cabinet ‘ Wets ’ .
16 The only way Masefield can make this credible is to present her as a kind of child-bride , a happy innocent ; necessary as this may be to both the theme and the plot of the book , it does not allow her to develop beyond the limits of a type-character .
17 He made no attempt to present her to the other man , however , apparently so deep in thought that he seemed to have forgotten her very existence .
18 She was waiting , hopelessly , for me to present her with a completed list and I was n't going to .
19 The only way to handle my witch is to present her with a fait accompli .
20 It 's an honour to be able to present her with a plaque .
21 It has been a difficult day for the Queen and tonight she 's been snubbed following the decision by the municipality of Limassol not to present her with the keys to the town .
22 The Tasmanian Law Reform Commission expressed the matter even more forcefully : ‘ The present focus on consent virtually demands that a defence counsel who is doing his job properly must challenge the sexual conduct and personal integrity of the complainant and attempt to present her in the most unfavourable light . ’
23 Pouting seductively , she assumed a pose which presented her as a raving sexpot , as she alluringly slipped the flimsy straps of her silk and lace petticoat from her ivory shoulders .
24 The defence , which called no witnesses , presented her as a grieving widow who was " a world-class shopper " but who knew little of the origin of her late 's husband 's wealth .
25 She was of course aware that she came from a Catholic to a barely Protestant country in a state of intense flux and religious upheaval ; her new subjects presented her with a set of pressing confessional and political problems .
26 Before the meeting they celebrated the 70th birthday of churchwarden Rosemary Paxton and to mark the occasion and her many years of service to the church presented her with a basket of flowers .
27 Jane saw her degree as a process of narrowing down , rather than a broadening out ; it shut out the creative , ‘ qualitative ’ aspect of her nature , and presented her with a set of rules and definitions which she had to conform to , or reject , but which she could not challenge .
28 She was obviously pleased to accept and i presented her with a basket of roses to celebrate.2
29 At an auspicious moment the groom threw a gold chain over the bride 's neck and presented her with a wedding dress and jewels .
30 Other masked revellers bowed to her elaborately , and still she kept silent , even when a servant , dressed like an Alice in Wonderland flunkey , presented her with a straw for her flute of champagne .
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