Example sentences of "present [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You have presented me with the key , and I now perceive all of its hitherto latent beauties . ’
2 I had expected , perhaps because the image she had presented me with the week before had been more domestic , someone less ambiguous and far less assured .
3 I was angry as hell at the time and disappointed , too , for this was a strongly Labour-controlled council , but looking back now I realize that this was the best thing that could have happened to the group , for now we could present ourselves to the people of Rotherham as a genuine minority with a grievance .
4 And if King Fahd refuses to have them there , then he can no longer present himself as the guardian , on behalf of the Muslim world , of the holy places .
5 " And directly after this , at the beginning of Chapter 17 , there is another abrupt change of tone : [ 7 ] Captain Cuttle , in the exercise of that surprising talent for deep-laid and unfathomable scheming , with which ( as is not unusual in men of transparent simplicity ) he sincerely believed himself to be endowed by nature , had gone to Mr Dombey 's house on the eventful Sunday , winking all the way as a vent for his superfluous sagacity , and had presented himself in the full lustre of the ankle-jacks before the eyes of Towlinson ( I ) .
6 Such a context might have presented itself during the struggle to secure the passage of the Reform Bill .
7 There are many teachers who feel that things are that bad , and for whom , at some tacit level of decision-making , becoming ‘ like that ’ has presented itself as the only sensible , or the only possible modus operandi that is left .
8 A serving-maid to all intents and purposes , she had presented herself at the door which gave access to the rear stairs , the garden stairs , which led to the royal apartments .
9 However , it seemed the news that a low-class woman had presented herself at the back door alerted Master Jobbernole to the possible reason for her presence and its consequences .
10 Only after these days can she present herself to the priest for ritual atonement of her impurity :
11 She wants her image ‘ sorted out ’ before she signs a deal to prevent any manipulation , to ensure no one tells her how she should present herself to the record-buying public .
12 His first major poetry collection since 1986 ; he will present it at the Edinburgh Festival .
13 But the disparity lies less in tone than in technique : like rather a lot of modern movies , Bye Bye Blues lacks the capacity to formulate its material rather than just present it to the audience and leave them to do the rest .
14 I should be grateful for a prompt reply so that I can present it to the Parish Council at their next meeting on 27th August .
15 Abolitionists thus presented themselves to the world and to each other as part of a continuous progress despite the significant disjunctures in the movement 's history discussed in the last chapter ( pp.65–6 ) .
16 However , before competing again you must present yourself to the tournament doctor to have both the injury and your bandaging accepted .
17 This was whether they should present themselves to the voters as a continuation of the Thatcher governments ; or claim that the election of John Major represented such a fundamental break with what had gone before that there was no need for voters to respond to the classical call of opposition on such occasions : ‘ Time for a change . ’
18 Such investors tended to come in when stocks were exchanged rather than present themselves at the moment of initiation .
19 A is indeed more precise , but only in a trivial sense , for in B does present us with the same referent as in A. If , on the other hand , the lines changed places , so that we read :
20 The C E C have had twelve months , the sections have been up and running , they should have learnt from the experiences over the last twelve months because all that they 've done is presented us with the same document with the exclusion of the one issue of the two year conference .
21 As a reform candidate Reagan had made clear his low view of legislators , presenting them as the tools of special interests , primarily concerned with feathering their own nests .
22 We can stage a little comedy for ourselves if we pick out two expressions that I used in my last paragraph , and imagine ourselves presenting them to the startled and unwelcoming gaze of Max Beerbohm .
23 But in some instances research assistants may have been primarily concerned with digging out tables from published sources and presenting them to the writer to work on ; in this case the data are certainly secondary and practically tertiary .
24 Various sorts of logical structure , with branching and loops , will achieve this — in general we see great advantages in presenting them to the user in graphical form .
25 When those who believe in war refuse to do their duty , that is , when they refuse to fight for some reason or other , Gandhi feels it to be his moral duty to enlighten them as to their responsibilities as soldiers , while at the same time presenting them with the alternative path of ahi sā .
26 Alternatively , the adventurers could stumble across a group encamped somewhere in the hills , presenting them with the choice of trying to sneak around unobserved , or mounting a surprise attack .
27 Back at Stuart Street I cemented my new-found friendship with Doogie and Miranda by presenting them with the leg of lamb .
28 Part of Lewis 's discovery of himself as a writer was the discovery of a means of presenting himself to the reader .
29 Eisenhower , who was in the midst of his re-election campaign and was presenting himself to the American electorate as ‘ a man of peace ’ , failed to make clear to his British and French colleagues in the Atlantic Alliance the depth of his reluctance to countenance the use of force over an issue that was only important and not vital to US interests .
30 He 's arranging a Greek tour presenting himself as the world 's only singing , dancing , somersaulting potentate .
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