Example sentences of "response to [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , responses to questions on attitudes change with economic conditions — the worse the inflation , the more traditional the responses ( van de Kaa 1987 ) .
2 Children aged 3 to 9 will take part in a series of games ; their responses to questions on these games will be analyzed to ascertain whether comparisons were made and affected their self-evaluations .
3 The conclusion is confirmed by the social class distribution of positive , negative and neutral responses to questions about housework tasks , some of which were described in the last chapter .
4 Teachers ' responses to questions about gender suggest that they are aware of the issue and are , indeed , ready to consider possible ways forward .
5 Thus , for example , Baldwin 's responses to questions in the House over Britain 's preparedness for war were heavily guarded .
6 Readers — not only teachers and examiners , but readers generally — develop such sophisticated responses to nuances of register that faked styles are likely to be noticeable .
7 The receptive field does not enable one to predict the responses to movements of a spot in the directions of the arrows ; these are shown round the outside of the figure .
8 But we can then distinguish between two kinds of study : ( a ) operational studies , often not generally published , which study effects as indicators of internal policy and marketing decisions — ‘ attitude ’ surveys in market research ; studies of responses to programmes in broadcasting research ; private political polling on ‘ issues ’ ; and ( b ) critical research , in which the effects of programmes showing violence or of political broadcasting or other distinguishable kinds of production are assessed for both specific and general social effect , often in response to an expressed public concern .
9 These personal responses to discussions of parental figures should be recognised by social workers in preparation for working in this area .
10 The scale of price rises is quite out of line with that which could plausibly be required to balance ‘ real ’ supply and demand ; and quite out of line with previous responses to fluctuations in industrial production .
11 Going into the prisons , they meet and talk with the men responsible for these violent acts , demystifying the fantasies which have often been built up in isolation from women , and sharing feminine responses to feelings with the men .
12 The Building Societies Act was a response to structural changes in the financial services market , whereas the Banking Act and the Financial Services Act were responses to cases of fraud and bad practice , and as such are ‘ defensive ’ forms of regulation that might have been expected to be overdetailed and expensive to implement ( Goodhart 1988 ) .
13 We have , therefore , to consider why marriages effectively end , as well as why couples will go as far as to go to the courts to legally separate , and what social factors underlie the responses to changes in legislation .
14 Access to outside users is via the joint academic network ( JANET ) and in addition a special PC program has been developed which uses standard simulation results to provide a ready reckoner of model responses to changes in policy variables or in the external economic environment .
15 NATO responses to changes in Eastern Europe
16 Even if it were possible to model accurately the supply and demand responses to changes in taxes and transfer or benefit provisions of all kinds , it would remain a GNP or market calculation .
17 It is as if they might be responses to requests to " write up " exchanged conversation and counsel — some are lyrics and short prose poems on the nature of contemplative life .
18 Indeed , almost half their utterances are elliptical or moodless , often being minimal responses to requests for display .
19 The difference between public responses to perceptions of bias in the press and on television was reflected in the complex relationship between voters ' allegations of bias and their ratings of the ‘ usefulness ’ of the press and television news .
20 Different arrangements reflect cultural responses to perceptions of environmental constraints and opportunities , perceptions which may alter as the environmental context changes , thereby provoking changes in the cultural system too .
21 A second route might be to allow domestic producers to agree on predatory responses to attempts by foreign suppliers to enter the national market .
22 How might such processes be affected in female readers ' responses to stories about males , which concern traditionally male interests and which frequently exclude them altogether or restrict them to a passive role ?
23 It is often , at least initially , a response to social distress , and in turn , this indicates that counselling responses to problems of excessive drinking should not concentrate on the drinking alone , which can be regarded as a symptom , but on the deeper underlying social and emotional causes which have given rise to it .
24 An extremist view expressed by a twentieth-century artist is what Matisse had to say about his responses to murals by Giotto .
25 It will examine 16-18 year-old pupils ' responses to arguments about science-based social issues as presented in video/TV programmes , through small group discussions and relate this to two types of science course being taken at school by students of comparable ability — Science , Technology and Society ( STS ) courses , and more formal science courses .
26 Responses to Enquiries about Accounts or Alternative Payment Arrangements
27 Influenced by Dada and Surrealism , it explored subconscious responses to configurations of dots , dribbles , shapes , textures and juxtaposed materials as a means of instantaneous communication … a visual music !
28 He suggests that the two leaders were ‘ commonly influenced by historical factors in their responses to events in Korea during that summer and autumn of 1950 ’ .
29 In a number of ways , the police are making positive responses to suggestions of working together to tackle problem areas and undertake inter-agency approaches to the many problems that need a co-operative approach .
30 In sign learning , the student makes diffuse responses to signals in the environment .
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