Example sentences of "response to [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In our experiment , male responses to accentuated female models were less strong than female responses to male models ( although both were significant ; Table 1 ) .
2 Further , the need for averaging obviously favours repetitive responses to repetitive stimuli and neural events that do not correlate in a consistent time-locked way with external stimuli will necessarily be overlooked .
3 They give rise to behavioural responses to external stimuli that are enduring and consistent within a person 's psychological constitution .
4 Furthermore , these forms of behaviour are not simply direct responses to external stimuli .
5 The sufferer 's previous " pictures " tended to lead repeatedly to the same emotional responses to outside stimuli .
6 It was then the heyday of ‘ stimulus-response ’ theories of animal behaviour , according to which all behaviour patterns are learned responses to associated stimuli .
7 Larger landholders may have equivocal and varied responses to official attempts at conservation .
8 The displacement model which has historically prevailed in schools ' responses to troublesome children has failed to show a satisfactory effectiveness either in terms of outcome for identified pupils or in terms of relieving pressure on teachers .
9 Immunization studies using irradiated sporozoites have indicated that responses to pre-erythrocytic-stage antigens , those expressed by sporozoites or liver-stage parasites , can provide complete immunity both in rodents and in humans , and that similar protective mechanisms , of which CTL appear to be an important component , may operate in each species .
10 Like Caton , Berger attempted to record electrical responses to sensory stimuli in animals , although it seems that the work he did between 1902 and 1910 was , in general , unsuccessful .
11 It is seen , therefore , that the range of oesophageal adaptive responses to environmental stimuli is diverse but that the identification of these serial events forms a unifying hypothesis which has important clinical and research implications .
12 What was the outcome of all this activity — of peasant responses to seigneurial pressures , and conjunctures of peasant and lordly interests ?
13 Looking back at 4 , we might surmise that teachers and pupils have a shared schema for the progress and structure of a school lesson and their roles and responses to possible events .
14 Towards the end of June 1989 the dismissal of the reformist CCP general secretary , Zhao Ziyang , signalled the victory of conservative elements in a two-month power struggle provoked by conflicting responses to pro-democracy demonstrations by students [ see pp. 36721-22 ] .
15 Communities may vary in all these respects urban areas producing different responses to rural areas .
16 Parents usually have a general rule for day-to-day convenience and safety : this requires a reasonable ratio of obedient to disobedient responses to parental requests , instructions and commands .
17 It was commissioned by the London Race and Research Housing Unit , to primarily investigate local Authority — ( particularly the housing Departments ) , responses to Black women who have experienced domestic violence .
18 It is possible , of course , that the depression or anxiety is felt in response to the physical symptoms — rather than being directly caused by the food itself — or that the person experiences certain mental responses to certain foods simply because they expect to do so .
19 This allows you to redefine responses to certain types of message .
20 Furthermore , the anomalous condition produced the greatest number of incorrect lexical decisions ( i.e. NO responses to real words ) .
21 Over time , those rules will be altered : in many cases slowly as responses to gradual changes in both the society and the environment that it occupies ; in some cases rapidly , as a reaction to a sudden crisis ; and occasionally as a consequence of contact with other cultures , when changes may be either voluntarily adopted , because the impacted group has observed the benefits from doing something differently , or imposed by powerful external groups .
22 In the Changing Farm Economies element , eight research topics were commissioned of which four were concerned with the multiple job holding in farm families in Scotland , Wales , Northern Ireland and Europe , two were concerned with modelling different aspects of land use and two were concerned with investigating responses to various policies .
23 Much of this will involve the formulation of new policies that do not require legislation , or the determination of responses to new crises within the department .
24 show alertness and quick responses to new ideas ;
25 We have had very generous responses to previous requests to our membership .
26 The format of the book follows predictable well-tried themes , covering immunological aspects of the placenta , maternal immunocompetence during pregnancy and maternal responses to fetal antigens .
27 Responses to extreme forms of the debt crisis are also conditioned by who holds the debt , how much they are hurt and their power to take avoiding action .
28 The consequence is that we have placebo responses to blank tablets and much stronger placebo responses to intravenous injections of saline which we are told is some new wonder drug .
29 Ruling class strategies and responses to functional imperatives from an internally contradictory mode of production are permanently unstable .
30 Another characteristic of social policies is that , while some involve broad responses to popular needs and wishes , many are specific measures to assist quite small disadvantaged groups in the population .
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