Example sentences of "prove not to be " in BNC.

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1 A report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) in late July 1991 maintained that fears voiced at a Council of Europe conference on east-west migration in January 1991 of a massive influx of immigrants from eastern Europe [ see p. 37969 ] were proving not to be well-founded .
2 This is proving not to be the case , as feelings run increasingly high over what is evolving into a conflict of classes — between pro-hunting locals and what they feel is a wealthy Parisian clique .
3 The first details we have of the latter , in the Host 's invitation to him to follow the Monk , initially suggest , if we still believe appearances and associations can be a sign of character , that he is as likely to turn out as the threadbare and serious Clerk on his horse " " as leene as is a rake " " does ( I : 284 ) as to prove to be what the Monk has proved not to be :
4 With the drying floors removed , the brickwork of the roundels proved not to be very strong and it was necessary to span the circular spaces with timber beams before the new upper floor was installed .
5 And yet the Festival proved not to be the beginning of the new civically planned and visually gayer Britain of which it held out a promise , but the swan-song of the era in which it was patriotic to put the community first and all pull together , as directed .
6 However , this proved not to be the case .
7 King Henry IV proved not to be popular , mainly because he had to ward off constant attempts to usurp him , and all his energy was directed in that pursuit , so that he died at an age of less than forty-seven , in March 1413 .
8 Whereas things appeared stable in Britain at that time , overseas there existed events of change — in Italy there existed no unity and much of the land was occupied by the forces of Austria , but they were removed and in 1833 , a united Italy was advocated under Papal rule , but that proved not to be successful and it would be some years before Garibaldi was able to form the Italian National Association for the Unification of Italy which only achieved its objective in 1871 .
9 This proved not to be the case , partly because the relationship between the two countries underwent a transformation in the period 1966–70 .
10 The racegoers from the train were on the whole easily identifiable as they all seemed to have been issued with large red and white rosettes with Race Train passenger emblazoned on them in gold : and the rosettes proved not to be confined to those in the front half of the train because I came across Zak wearing one too , and he told me that everyone had been given one , the owners included , and where was mine ?
11 In addition , for a short time bus route 64 was extended from West Croydon to the Robin Hood and to Elmers End Garage , but there proved not to be a demand for this service and it was soon cut back again .
12 It proved not to be easy .
13 Woodville had seized £10,250 in English gold coin from the vessel on the grounds that it was forfeit to the crown , and by the indenture bound himself to give the patron its value in English merchandise if that proved not to be the case .
14 Some years ago , TVS absorbed Channel TV , covering the Channel Islands , as this small market proved not to be viable on its own .
15 However , this proved not to be the case , since even from such a large corpus , it was possible to extract only 560 utterance tokens — an average of less than 11.7 per speaker .
16 I thought there was a strong chance that some of the lads might join in , but this proved not to be the case .
17 My wife wished to take a photograph of me leaning against it from uphill and I have to report that the stone proved not to be immovable and now rests at the bottom of the slope .
18 Both the control and oxygen treated groups were similar in age , gender , bilirubin level , type and length of procedure and dose of midazolam , and proved not to be significantly different when compared by Wilcoxon 's rank-sum test ( Table I ) .
19 Woodville had seized £1O,250 in English gold coin from the vessel on the grounds that it was forfeit to the crown , and by the indenture bound himself to give the patron its value in English merchandise if that proved not to be the case .
20 Copies of the charter were being given out during the rush hour at Darlington but connections proved not to be the best with an hour wait for the next train south .
21 However , requests for ‘ ordinary ’ publications which could not be supplied , or whose delivery proved not to be straightforward , were included , since the submission of such a request is likely to be as time-consuming for book-fetchers — if not moreso — than requests which can easily be satisfied .
22 In most couples either one or both will prove not to be carriers , but if they are , we can give them counselling and reassure them .
23 If this proves not to be the case and if , faced with a major unemployment crisis , Britain finds itself with no recourse , then it should not hesitate in seceding before it is too late .
24 The black velvet has perished , exposing the side of the case which , on examination , proves not to be a single plank but four six-inch lengths of ½-inch board bonded together by iron straps .
25 It is surprising how often this proves not to be the case .
26 If that proves not to be possible , the post will be advertised externally .
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