Example sentences of "place [pn reflx] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 As Christian communicators in Asia we place ourselves at the service of those challenges , well aware that we need to conscientise people as much as we need to be conscientised .
2 I was particularly taken by Patricia Routledge , unmistakeable even looking through a letter box , and by Lionel Jeffries for his affecting rendition of : The troops are ready to mutiny , The colonel is missing or dead , When up steps a bold , young lieutenant And places himself at the head .
3 ‘ I 'll go in front as the standard bearer , ’ said Nigel as he placed himself at the head of his patrol .
4 And when he had said this he placed himself at the feet of the Bishop , and there before all the people made a general confession of all his sins , and all the faults which he had committed against our Lord Jesus Christ .
5 Then , snatching a lance from one of them , he placed himself at the apex and , couching the lance , shouted to charge .
6 Acland placed himself at the head of the ‘ moral renaissance ’ , consolidating a personal following built around his best-selling books and endless public meetings into a loose organization called ‘ Forward March ’ .
7 In June 1263 , however , when Simon of Montfort [ q.v. ] resurrected the cause of the Provisions and advanced on the capital , Fitzthomas placed himself at the head of ‘ the people ’ who had taken to the streets in Montfort 's support .
8 Law conceived of the role of the leader in an exactly opposite sense from Balfour : he sought to foster unity by placing himself at the head of the discordant elements where Balfour had thrown the leadership on the side of restraint .
9 Mr Robertson told the second and final day of a hearing by the board 's video appeal committee that St Theresa was portrayed in mystical ecstasy — using pain to place herself at the mercy of her subconscious and thereby contemplate Jesus on the Cross .
10 However , she could not avoid it at The Tamarisks , for although Fru Møller offered a generous choice of hors d'œuvres and puddings she did not provide a choice of main course and Elisabeth would not have dreamt of placing herself at a disadvantage by drawing attention to her disability and pleading for something easier than steak to swallow .
11 The Stanleys were careful to place themselves at the head of local opinion rather than ride the county roughshod and their identity of opinion with local Unionists on political and religious matters made them even more powerful .
12 In a message to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali the committee according to the Middle East News Agency on April 9 forwarded a message from Libya : the Libyan authorities would not object to the two men placing themselves at the disposal , via the Arab League , of the UN Secretary-General .
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