Example sentences of "na [verb] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 I thought he was saying , I thought he said he was gon na stay in that job
2 so on a Sunday I used to say right I 'm not gon na take my tablets today because it 's a waste of a tablet if you 're gon na eat like that , and on a Sunday I used to be absolutely exhausted because you take them all the time and they keep you going and then when you stop taking them they 've just , you wind down
3 How am I gon na paint under that black
4 Just gon na wait for that space Normally I 'm lucky to get round here .
5 But you do n't wan na know about that , do you ?
6 They do n't wan na know about that .
7 Well who 's gon na know about that then ?
8 I wan na feel like that about myself ! ’ ’
9 It was all so provocative , sexy and proud that I just felt , ‘ God , I wan na feel like that ! ’
10 Now well I 'm sitting there , Robert 's my customer and like I 'm sitting there and he comes out with this fabulous spiel , right , as this objection , right , that was word perfect and he 's sitting there after he 's finished it as smug as anything and looking at me as if to say so what are you gon na do about that then ?
11 So I 'll have to think what I 'm gon na do about that .
12 What are you gon na do about that ?
13 So what 's he gon na do about that then ?
14 What are you gon na do about that ?
15 And they do n't the T Q M stuff 'll be er I do n't know what we 're gon na do with that .
16 I do n't know what we 're gon na do with that but at least now you
17 See , now what we gon na do with that then ?
18 no you have to have an envelope for that to fit into , what you gon na do with that to make it fit ?
19 What you gon na do with that one then ?
20 What 's he gon na do with that ladder ?
21 but , you do it , if you think of it individually , what are you gon na do for that money anywhere else ?
22 The customer that you 're gon na choose on that B M S listing okay ?
23 there 's no grand great play that 's gon na work with that .
24 Because we 're now gon na wipe over that now ?
25 she were gon na look at that place at er Audrey 's brother 's got it same as Walter 's , er second hand stuff to see if they could get a little bit of something , start him off , like , you know
26 I was gon na look at that and I forgot it .
27 no I 'll give him this one cos I wan na look at that one
28 Mm , I 'm gon na look at that and see what it gives me
29 Now I wan na look for that one
30 That 's what I 'm doing , except that it 's not gon na look like that any more
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