Example sentences of "due [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , another working party examining China 's status as a contracting party gave further consideration to this issue during 1989 , although the shootings in Tiananmen Square on June 4 ( see pp. 36720-22 ) led to a postponement until December of talks due during the middle of the year .
2 The court will , for example , try to construe a lease so that all payments of rent fall due during the term and in respect of periods that fall wholly within it ( Ladyman v Wirral Estates Ltd [ 1968 ] 2 All ER 197 , Whelton Sinclair v Hyland [ 1992 ] 2 EGLR 158 ) .
3 And Nan would be twenty next month and due for a rise , and she was hoping her father would stretch a point and make it ten shillings , for no matter what he said , Nan was a good assistant .
4 something else that could be quite actually misleading might sleep , be very sleepy , difficult to wake , so if you 've got the baby and you think your baby 's due for a feed and it did n't take very much at the last feed , you ca n't wake it up you should n't think oh well I 'll have to wait for another four hours , beginning to get worried so if the baby 's difficult to wake if it 's difficult to feed not sucking very well if the baby 's cold to touch and then there 's something which is very , very misleading , these babies can have bright red cheeks and bright red hands and feet and if you look at them you think oh they must be warm because they 're red
5 Wood could still play if there is any danger of a recurrence of Simon Brown 's problems with cramp , which troubled him over the weekend , while Simon Hughes is also due for a rest .
6 But Rush is confident that any animosity has long-since faded and that his former boss is due for a hero 's welcome when he leads his side out at the ground he graced for 14 illustrious years as player and manager .
7 It 's it 's almost due for a service again .
8 I 'm due for a drink .
9 Interviewees sometimes think that when an interviewer says to them , ‘ Do you have any questions you would like to ask me ? ’ this is an opportunity to ask how long the holidays are and how soon you would be due for a pay rise .
10 Art nouveau stained glass windows , famous local architect due for a reappraisal , that sort of thing . ’
11 Any number of romantic operas likewise deal with patriotic heroes , from Rossini 's William Tell , just revived at the Royal Opera , to Smetana 's Dalibor ( which is due for a revival ) .
12 Perhaps they are due for a revival .
13 Stonehouse 's bill was due for a second reading in three days ' time .
14 The Willis Bill , which is due for a second reading in the House of Lords on 6 May , says that anyone who sells , distributes or otherwise manes available am machine capable of reproducing a sound recording or cinematograph film shall be deemed to have authorised infringement of the copyright , in a sound recording or film Although the Bill has little chance of getting any further it will achieve one aim — to generate publicity for the record and film industry 's call for a tax or levy on blank audio and video tape .
15 Commenting on a considerable drop in sales at a book fair , one experienced bookman wrote about these travel books : ‘ That such a range of books which I find boring beyond belief — I prefer to call them non-books — was due for a shake-out , appeared inevitable to me . ’
16 ( Croydon 34E and 55E then due for a repaint ) Following Mr. Spencer 's resignation , T. E. Thomas became General Manager ( Trams and Trolleybuses ) covering the whole system .
17 Are you due for a screen test ?
18 Before I start , I would like to draw out two birthday titles , both paperback originals and both due for a lot of press coverage .
19 Art is , and always was , the only point — a notion so old fashioned in today 's hyperventilated art world that it just might , if we are lucky , be due for a comeback .
20 Then I think perhaps she 's due for a visitation . ’
21 He 'd been a uniformed inspector with the Soho Unit for nearly three years , and was probably due for a move ; no sign of it yet , but there was most likely a memo waiting deep in the machinery , easing its way out at the speed of a splinter .
22 Mr Burn said Perry 's was due for a design rethink which would ‘ make the two venues most young people 's first choice for a night out ’ .
23 THE TRIED-AND-TESTED archaeological technique of radiocarbon dating is due for a fillip later this year .
24 ‘ This afternoon we were — are — due for a walk to Ramsgate . ’
25 A jobless actor was annoying an off-duty bouncer , announcing loudly that he was due for a break .
26 Duncan had already been there twelve hours , just due for a watch-change , when the IRA gang arrived .
27 When you retire , you may be due for a tax rebate .
28 An old canine friend is due for a visit , which will give you a lot of pleasure .
29 ‘ Are you by any chance due for a visit from the tax man or the VAT inspector in the near future ? ’
30 One enterprising young man gathered 60 ration books into his brief-case and persuaded an RCAF pilot , due for a recognizance flight that day , to fly him several hundred miles across the provincial border to Atlin , B.C. At the friendly invitation of those concerned I went along for the ride and helped my energetic friends load five cases of Johnny Walker , which we transported back to Whitehorse well in time for a Saturday night party .
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