Example sentences of "twenty years [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Harry Wood , a professional for twenty years with Surrey and along with Abel one of three who went ‘ on strike ’ in 1896 demanding a £20 match fee to play the Australians , left the game a bitter man .
2 The two years in the Cork posting had seemed like twenty years to Roddy .
3 Twenty years of Arthur , her doggedly dull hypochondriac husband , have taken their toll and , in the mood for a dramatic gesture , she books a room in the ghastly hotel where they spent their wedding night with the intention of committing suicide .
4 BIUT TASH A reverie lasting more than twenty years on Har Dar Da themes ( cf )
5 I mean , I spent twenty years at Chloé without ever having dinner once with them .
6 Our knowledge of this comes very largely from David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel , who worked together for twenty years at Harvard Medical School , recording from single neurons of the visual cortex — the part of the neocortex that receives its input mainly from the eyes .
7 During his first twenty years at Finsbury , Meldola published more than 250 papers and reports , and during his presidency of the Institute of Chemistry he did much work for the development of all aspects of its activities .
8 Leese was a vet by trade , but no ordinary vet , for he was a specialist in camels , having spent twenty years in India and Africa studying their diseases .
9 Over the last twenty years in Britain industrial action has affected a whole range of essential services from water , electricity and fire-fighting to the Royal Mail , public transport and health .
10 Recognising that feminist film theory , criticism and film-making have developed very much in reciprocal relation to each other , I shall try to sketch the major areas of interest and controversy in the past twenty years in Britain and America .
11 Cromer had expected all his staff to speak Arabic fluently and Garvin , after twenty years in Egypt , spoke the language like a native .
12 He had a most successful career , finishing with twenty years in Hamburg as successor to Telemann .
13 Although allowed to visit her husband only rarely during his twenty years in Spandau , she and her six children had never ceased to support him , and I was not surprised to hear that during their father 's absence all six had obtained university degrees .
14 He gave his consent to the marriage and Llewellyn and Rachael lived for twenty years in Drunkeen , one of the Saunderson family homes .
15 The Industrial Revolution had , of course , begun some twenty years before Jane Austen 's birth , at a time when the Rule of Taste had established an unquestioned supremacy ; but it was in the twenty years following her death in 1817 that it really began to change the face of England .
16 These problems were not strange to the Prague School , who were working on the semiotics of art about twenty years before Barthes .
17 For the rest of the decade they shone only on training sessions and ground maintenance work , and it was not until 1951 , some twenty years after Chapman 's enthusiastic advocacy , that the first official floodlit match was held , between Southampton and Tottenham reserves at the Dell .
18 Dickens published Sketches by Boz in 1836–7 , just twenty years after Jane Austen 's death , and it is not difficult to discover , by a comparison , why Kingsley should have regarded that book as a watershed in the depiction of fictional living space .
19 Offa 's description of Ealdred as ‘ my subregulus , dux , that is , of his own people , the Hwicce ’ ( CS 223 : S 113 ) , which reveals dux becoming an acceptable term for a sub-king , dates to as late as 778 , twenty years after Offa 's accession .
20 One hundred and twenty years after Nehemiah and Pericles Greeks and Jews found themselves under the control of Alexander the Great — a Greek-speaking Macedonian who considered himself the heir of the Persian kings .
21 What has made the re-dating definitive has been the dendrochronologist 's report which dates the panel to around 1485 — some twenty years after Rogier 's death ’ .
22 This was where the offices of the English Department and several lecture-rooms were situated when I arrived in 1957 , twenty years after Philby .
23 As a general rule it might be productive to give forecasts at the year 2012 — twenty years after Rio .
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