Example sentences of "twenty years [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One demonstrable sign of the growth of permissiveness in British society has been the consistent tendency over the last twenty years for Parliament to alter laws governing moral conduct in a permissive direction .
2 ‘ Almost twenty years for Kiss now , which is n't bad going .
3 The maximum penalty for conspiracy to murder was increased from ten years to life ; for causing explosions from twenty years to life ; and membership of proscribed organisations from five years to ten .
4 Although the provision of public housing had been established as a principle in rural areas by 1939 — by itself no mean achievement when one looks back over the history of rural housing — the results of twenty years of legislation were a disappointment .
5 There was virtually no support in Sussex for the French Revolution when it broke out in 1789 , and the wars which followed produced a widespread patriotic fervour which was matched by an equal growth in exploitation and popular desperation as the twenty years of conflict had deeper affects on local economic life .
6 In twenty years of knitting , I 've found no reason to discard this principle .
7 There is enough recorded in Warnie 's diaries over the next twenty years of friction and domestic misery to make us see why Jack had misgivings about the advisability of their all attempting to live together .
8 One of the most valuable lessons the Party had learnt during the initial twenty years of land reform was that socialism could only be achieved through stages .
9 This is not the place to outline these in detail but , to put it simply , in the late 1970s the record industry faced a ‘ crisis ’ ( a stagnation in record sales after twenty years of expansion ) brought on by two simultaneous developments : on the one hand , an economic recession which hit particularly hard the most important sector of the record buying market , working-class youth ; on the other hand , technological developments in the leisure industry which meant either new sorts of competition for people 's leisure resources ( home computers and video recorders become as significant in young people 's lives as record players , for instance ) or disrupted record companies ' profit-making routines ( home taping thus became the industry 's chief bogey ) .
10 During the twenty years of worry and despair she had not cried .
11 In England and Wales the average proportion of each marriage cohort still without children after twenty years of marriage ( all ages at marriage together ) is between 10 and 15 per cent ( e.g. 1951 13 per cent , 1956 10 per cent ) .
12 The woman who died of cancer and left the poems expressing her soul 's pain written over twenty years of marriage on the kitchen window sill , for her husband to find , was saying that no one in that house had respected her pain sufficiently to share it .
13 It offered Laura and Bernard endless possibilities for decoration inside and , after more than twenty years of marriage , it was the first large house they could plan together , yet another incentive towards developing the home furnishing side of the business .
14 The scowl too had gained at least another twenty years of maturity .
15 From these exceedingly modest sums , the Centre has succeeded in presenting a worthy programme of exhibitions and other events over its twenty years of activity , including Sol LeWitt ( 1976 ) , performances by Dan Graham ( 1976 ) and John Cage ( 1978 ) , Francesco Clemente ( 1978 ) , Cindy Sherman ( 1983 ) , Kiki Smith ( 1990 ) , and Juan Munoz and Genevieve Cadieux ( 1991 ) .
16 In spite of the touches of mystification he employed in many autobiographical references scattered through twenty years of publishing , it is possible to detect the complicated temperament he had inherited .
17 People are looking for something new , after twenty years of hamburger joints and pizza parlours .
18 Given his head at the Republican convention of 1952 he accused the Democrats of having been in charge of ‘ twenty years of treason ’ , a phrase which stuck , much to the Republican advantage .
19 And that 's precisely what is so impossible to say aloud , for their entire life together ( already over twenty years of life together ) , has been based on the illusion of love , an illusion which both of them have been anxiously guarding and nurturing .
20 It 's taken twenty years of work by volunteers.Tim Hurst reports .
21 Is then an MP , who must keep the hours of a street-walker ; who is understood to be — if the public is to be believed — either impotent or corrupt ; who spends the best years of his life listening to Ministers , speeches , and to the complaints of his constituents ; is he to receive as his only reward after twenty years of service a signed photograph of Jim Prior ?
22 It was the ‘ second line ’ , ‘ support ’ and ‘ facility ’ squadrons which took the UK Canberra squadrons into another twenty years of service with a variety of roles and mark conversions , and so brought a continued need for the services of 231 OCU , albeit on a decreasing scale over the years .
23 The Clerk was to send a letter of apology to Mrs thanking her for twenty years of service and ask if she 'd reconsider the job .
24 Alexandra sat down at the huge scrubbed table at which she had watched twenty years of bread and pastry being made .
25 After twenty years of struggle it seemed less likely to liberate any part of Palestine than it had in 1967 .
26 Twenty Years of Feminism and Film : Developments and Debates
27 What do you consider were the gallery 's greatest successes in twenty years of business ?
28 Bolton had made it clear that Jack was not for sale , but Chapman , who in twenty years of football management rarely failed to get his man , was determined .
29 ‘ I 've never seen that in twenty years of football , ’ he said .
30 But children grow up and as they reach twenty years of age , the rights and concerns which have provided them with an education , and their families with a range of supports , begin to fall away .
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