Example sentences of "end up as the " in BNC.

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1 But they argue that factors such as regional variations , better Tory organisation in marginal constituencies and the ‘ incumbency ’ factor where sitting MPs are defending seats , could result in the Conservatives ending up as the largest party , if not with a narrow overall majority .
2 The story may in fact be read as an allegory in which the detective 's attempt to solve a series of crimes by the use of logic represents man 's efforts to decipher the meaning of the universe , but he himself ends up as the final victim , undone by his misplaced confidence in his intellect and baffled by a confusing world that makes a mockery of his pretensions to explain it .
3 The bigger the flock , the smaller the chance that you end up as the cat 's next victim .
4 But the way he 's going he could just end up as the next Vinnie Jones .
5 The Board of Customs & Excise has also indicated ‘ some pleasure ’ at the proposals and the IITP is optimistic that it might end up as the internal examining body for the department .
6 If William and Harry were to be brought up in the rather stiff and formal atmosphere of the Palace after suffering the trauma of their parents ' splitting up , they would hardly end up as the secure , well-balanced people the Queen hopes will succeed her .
7 ‘ I normally drive a Volvo 343 ; it 's not a very new one , but my main criterion is to make sure I do n't end up as the jam in the sandwich when I 'm out on the motorway . ’
8 How is it that what seem like random discharges from a part of the brain that we share with the humblest reptiles can end up as the elaborate , coherent , cognitive activity we know as dreaming ?
9 But it could end up as the only game in town . ’
10 The T and G was the paper 's greatest union supporter from the beginning , and was to end up as the biggest single investor .
11 Not just republican , we have loyalists as well and the loyalists have the potential for being the bigger and more effective of the two , and if we let the I R A to continue without interning them , you are going to have the situation deteriorating in the way which you do n't want and I do n't want , and you 're going to end up as the chief constable of the R U C said a few weeks ago with Dublin being bombed .
12 Much of this material has ended up as the bedload of streams or as infill deposited along the valley bottoms .
13 So claiming that had this relationship continued Hilary would probably have ended up as the wife of a petrol pump attender rather than the wife of the President of the United States .
14 My earlier studies of fish and birds were now extended to mammals and I ended up as the curator of the largest collection of mammalian species in the world — at the London Zoo .
15 That was the design I finally gave to Shawcraft as a construction drawing which ended up as the Dalek .
16 And he ended up as the port captain for Cunard in New York .
17 Jim was also unbeaten in Scotland in all other events and as a result ended up as the official No 1 in Scotland .
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