Example sentences of "end in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Statistics show the younger a wife is when she marries , the more likely the chance of it all ending in the divorce courts .
2 The case was contested , ending in the conviction of the young men , and the trial and sentencing reported at length .
3 He taught me to aim for the knees since any weapon firing on automatic would climb high and right , and thus the fall of shot could be evenly distributed across the stomach and torso , ending in the head .
4 Handles were varied , too , some being complete loops formed of linked scrolls , while others curved upwards , sometimes ending in the head of a marine creature .
5 1957 : Duncan Sandys ' ‘ Big Bang ’ philosophy , that led to the end of National Service ; 1965 : Denis Healey 's rolling Defence reviews , ending in the withdrawal from East of Suez ; 1974 : Roy Mason 's concentration of resources on Western European Defence , taking the withdrawal from empire to its logical conclusion ; 1981 : John Nott 's intended sacrifice of Maritime in favour of Continental capability , that was aborted by the Falklands Campaign .
6 It has been trialled with encouraging results : in an informal trial ending in the summer of 1984 the mixed ability class which had done some of the course came out ahead of parallel classes in all subjects .
7 Ralph Ellis , Chief Executive , and Stanley Peters , Joint Managing Director , steered the group the plant ending in the Design Studio , where Bill Naysmith illustrated the latest design developments .
8 For every word ending in the letter sequence -ing , there is a separate set of three nodes in the tree , one for the i , which points to the node for the n , which in turn points to the node for the g .
9 The rule for verbs ending in the sound -er , such as offer , prefer , occur , is to double the r for the -ed and -ing endings if the accent is on the -er syllable , but not otherwise .
10 There is an immediate contrast with the literary criticism and theory of the early twentieth century , in that most recent work begins and ends in the academy , and has little contact with current literary practice .
11 The long descent on this side of the Tourmalet ends in the village of Sainte-Marie-de-Campan , where you can either turn left up the valley of Campan , or else pursue your way east over the next high pass , the Col d'Aspin .
12 This pecking can last for up to two minutes , and often ends in the male being interrupted before he can get to copulation .
13 It is best reached by continuing along the road , now unenclosed , until near Leck Fell House when a steep scramble up the hillside ends in the company of the three massive cairns that will have plagued the curiosity since they first came in sight earlier .
14 The question mark over the reactor protection system is one of a queue of unresolved issues which now do not look like being settled before the public inquiry ends in the autumn .
15 ‘ Wherever it began , it ends in the death of three of the Pitt family by poisoning .
16 ‘ Our problems begin and largely end in the home , ’ he said in a newspaper interview .
17 In a lexicon of just over 70,000 words nearly 6,000 end in the sequence -ing .
18 The maximum diameter of this window , at the equator , is about 150° of longitude — so for the satellite to be able , say , to ‘ see ’ Singapore on the very western periphery of what one might call ‘ the economists ’ Pacific' — a definition we will consider m- a moment — its window must end in the east somewhere near the longitude of Mexico City .
19 Some hundred years later the great revival of regional specialities is initiated by a band of patriotic French men of letters fearful that the post-1918 influx of tourists demanding international palace hotel food ( it is , alas , le classique which has opened the door to this dreariest of all styles of cooking ) wherever they go will end in the annihilation of the typical specialities of the provinces of France .
20 ( For a mad second I fear Ma could end in the Dark . )
21 Minor mistakes or missing the May 15 deadline could end in the loss of payments .
22 Alternatively America could move towards a more British system of receivership , which puts creditors before shareholders , and is more likely to end in the firm simply ceasing to trade .
23 A new beginning is made — only to end in the folly of Babel and the division and dispersion of the nations .
24 MARRIAGES which involve a partner who has been married before are more likely to end in the divorce courts than ones between two people who have never before been up the aisle .
25 So at that point then did you almost give up hope that you would be rescued ? that you more or less were going to end in the sea at that point ?
26 A commission of enquiry confirmed this assessment , and the Governor was withdrawn , though his period of service had in fact ended in the winter of 60/61 , so Tacitus would appear to magnify a grievance to make a political point in favour of his hero whose memoirs he may have used for his Annals .
27 Many workers , who had earned the princely wage of £3-£4 in jet 's heyday , ended in the workhouse .
28 The episode ended in the Bay of Pigs disaster , with Cuban exiles pinned on the beaches cursing the US for failing to provide air cover .
29 But some buy-outs have ended in the bankruptcy court or in acute distress .
30 Perhaps he was n't as completely convinced as he made out that a lost boy , however bright and confident , could not have ended in the Comer .
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