Example sentences of "present at [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We know from the appearances that you were present at that enquiry .
2 All Nottinghamshire Conservative Members were present at that debate , and they voted against the Bill .
3 The ACP will then consider the report at its next meeting , and it may be that you would like to be present at that meeting .
4 Certainly there appears to be some sense in restricting any changes in the law of incest so that it continues to be an offence for a parent or grandparent to have sexual relations with a child aged 16 or 17 , because children of that age are often dependent and living at home , and so the conditions for exploitation are still present at that age .
5 He is entitled as of right to be present at all meetings of the council , its committees and subcommittees .
6 the need for the head or a representative to be present at all meetings ;
7 These lines are present at all ages , even before any colouring has begun to show .
8 In general , the same level of expression was present at all sites within the reservoir , although the only afferent limb biopsy specimen to show such expression was the single case with significant inflammatory and architectural abnormality .
9 The dismissal arrangements set up by the governing body have to provide for the CEO , or representatives , and the headteacher , unless she or he is the person concerned , to be present at all stages when a dismissal is being considered .
10 Government backbenchers are expected to be present at all stages and though they are entitled to speak for half the time available on the floor of the House , in committee they are expected neither to speak nor to move amendments but simply to keep voting for the government 's proposals .
11 There was also to be stricter supervision of polling stations , with opposition party representatives present at all stages of voting and ballot-counting .
12 another person is present at all times , not merely to assist the subject to enter the regressed state but to help him avoid any difficulty or distress ;
13 But I want at least two men present at all times . ’
14 Variation seems to affect all languages and to be present at all levels , although some language types , such as Creoles with post-Creole continua , seem to display more variation than others .
15 The pattern of grouping described here is probably unique to Oxford United 's ground , but analogues of such groups appear to be present at all league club grounds — with the possible exception of some of the very small Fourth Division grounds .
16 It seems as if all the universe , including the Earth and ourselves , is present at all points in this continuum , and that we are therefore truly beings at all levels .
17 The transmission at sites outside the brain by acetylcholine or by noradrenaline was established unequivocally ( see Chapters 6 and 12 ) and later it was established that both these substances were present at many sites inside the brain and spinal cord .
18 Species diversity in the early Miocene East African hominoids is high , with two to three species of Proconsul- related forms and two to three species of small-bodied apes present at many sites .
19 Team teaching , with both preclinical and clinical staff present at each session , may be a feasible alternative , given the staff available at most medical schools .
20 The Modern Picture World reported that this ‘ daring ’ film was doing well at the De Kalb theatre in Brooklyn and that when it opened on Broadway the ‘ socialist ’ Upton Sinclair would be present at each performance .
21 The considerable variation in the intensities of the fragments detected may also traduce some variation in the number of telomeric repeats present at each chromosome end .
22 A 15% rise in attendance — 150,000 visitors in all — proved meagre consolation for the 162 dealers present at this year 's 19th annual FIAC ( Foire Internationale d'Art Contemporain ) in the Grand Palais from 24 October to 1 November .
23 Brecciated carbonate mudstones are also present at this locality but are thought to have formed as debris flows during deposition rather than by solution-collapse .
24 The personnel present at this session ( about which there is some doubt ) reads like a who 's who of jazz : Parker ( alto sax ) , Miles Davis , Dizzy Gillespie ( trumpets ) , Sadik Hakim and/or Bud Powell ( piano ) , Curly Russell ( double bass ) and Max Roach ( drums ) .
25 Congratulations to the four successful candidates in the 1982 examination , Kay Evans welcomed the only one able to be present at this training day , Brenda Morgan , from the Surrey Course and presented her certificate .
26 As you know , I am unable to be present at this meeting .
27 Sensory perception — sensitivity to stimulation of the sensory organs — is apparently present at this stage although relatively primitive ; indeed , some sounds have effect on reaction and development of activity almost from birth .
28 The bride 's parents should not be present at this stage .
29 That submission was made at a time when I was sch not scheduled to be present at this enquiry , and was not present .
30 Effective anthelmintic therapy of ewes during the fourth month of pregnancy should eliminate most of the worm burdens present at this time including arrested larval stages and in the case of ewes on extensive grazing , where nutritional status is frequently low , this treatment often results in improved general body condition .
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