Example sentences of "rise [prep] more than " in BNC.

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1 Last year its earnings rose by more than half , to £664 million , making a large contribution to the balance of payments .
2 Although the state retirement pension remains linked to prices and , subject to the proviso noted above , retains its ‘ real ’ value , the commitment to raise pensions in line with earnings ( in years when earnings rose by more than prices ) was abolished in 1980 .
3 Some goods rose by more than this average percentage .
4 Grapes and sunflowers flourished in southern England but the real winners were suppliers of insecticides : sales to agriculture and horticulture rose by more than a third in 1989 .
5 Crime recorded in the Central South region last year rose by more than the national average .
6 The price of developed building land in Germany rose by more than one-third between 1970 and 1972 .
7 Vacancies for chief executives and managing directors have risen by more than one-third in the last year , while senior managerial vacancies have increased by 17.4 p.c .
8 Manufacturing productivity has risen by more than half since 1979 — faster than in any other major industrial country .
9 The eighth annual Directory of Regional Brewers , Pub Operations and Cider Makers , from Robert Fleming Securities , notes that ‘ in many instances , bar prices have simply risen by more than the consumer is prepared to spend ’ .
10 The low-income groups and pensioners spend a higher proportion of their money on food and fuel , whose prices have risen by more than other items , and so the inflation index for these groups has risen faster than inflation for the average person .
11 Before the elections of 1964 , 1966 , and 1970 , real personal disposable income was rising at more than double its normal rate of growth — so supporting the political business cycle thesis , but Alt suggests that these " short pre-election spurts may not do the government of the day all that much good , and there is no evidence that they do ( at least if short-term enough ) the economy any particular harm " .
12 In future years , we will maintain our pledge to prevent UBR poundage rising by more than inflation .
13 Instead of keeping numbers of senior registrars constant , JPAC 's quotas will see them rising by more than half to over 5100 , while career registrar quotas are more than 40% over target at almost 4700 .
14 If a business takes on more debt , its calculations can be thrown out by two things : if the interest cost of servicing the debt rises by more than was expected ; and if the cash flow earned by the business falls by more than had been planned for .
15 However , even if the price of the house rises by more than the rate of inflation ( ie a real capital gain has been made ) capital gains tax ( CGT ) is not levied .
16 If yields rise the price of B falls by less than the price of A , while if yields fall the price of B rises by more than that of A. High convexity is therefore a desirable property for bonds to have .
17 The budget for the bureau rises by more than the grant .
18 The positive K factor was intended to allow water prices to rise by more than the rate of inflation , in order to help finance a £18.65 billion investment programme over ten years .
19 Calculating the changes under multilateral abandonment of protection requires some assumptions on world prices , in particular that they would rise by more than under unilateral action .
20 The rate multiplier is set each year in England and Wales by central government and can not rise by more than the annual rate of inflation .
21 If this happens the basis will fall by 3180 - ( 2100 - 2 x ) = £1080 + 2 x , Provided the index does not unexpectedly rise by more than unc = 540 points ( 23% ) , a most unlikely event , Bash Brannigan will make a profit from speculating on the basis .
22 It is set annually by the Government and can not rise by more than the rate of inflation .
23 I remind the hon. Gentleman that , for the first time , domestic electricity customers are protected by a price cap which ensures that , for the next three years , electricity prices will not rise by more than retail price inflation .
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