Example sentences of "end [adv prt] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most clients who require the sale and purchase to run side by side , will be worried about ending up with no house at all , or two houses .
2 Weary constituency and trade union delegates , queuing for a cup of tea and a sandwich , constantly risk ending up with a signed copy of someone 's memoirs .
3 He subjected both to repeated analysis , ending up with a version of Maria Luisa in which she is transformed into a sharp-beaked , staring owl , and of Francisco Lezcano in which he has metamorphosed into a dog .
4 A neat bit of rewriting there ; the real Richard was one of the leaders of the Second Crusade which laid waste to Palestine , before ending up with a score-draw against the Arabs whose land he was invading .
5 And ending up with a thumping great lie .
6 I recently bought a Series IIA ex-military Land Rover with the intention of completely rebuilding it over the next few years ending up with a vehicle that will last for years to come .
7 He 'd shaken up Evans , first bawling him out then ending up with a show of confidence in him with the Havana .
8 A fast stage-coach could now cover over a hundred miles in a single day , good roads and weather permitting , though comfort was not necessarily to be looked for and there was an outside chance of ending up with a foul-mouthed and drunken coachman for the length of the journey .
9 The problem I get asked about most is ending up with a seam that is not the correct length , or is wavy .
10 Clearly , unless these features are defined with precision , there is a danger of ending up with a tautological explanation : what is recent must also be novel because it is recent .
11 He categorizes the transformation of the inexpressible " visceral " need through four stages , ending up with a " compromised " need which requires extensive negotiation with the assistance of a librarian to come close to fulfilling the original visceral need .
12 Liam Conway , Claire Breslin , Adrian Rouiller and Margaret McConkey , all of AIB Dublin , made a formidable line up behind Martin , finally ending up with a total of 889 in the crucial last game .
13 It 's interesting to note that actually now we 've since made that decision the residual has as I 've said come down to nine four seven , so if we do have a new settlement of fourteen hundred we 're already ending up with a a higher level of proposed development for Greater York now , the nine seven would obviously be exceeded if we had a fourteen hundred new settlement within Greater York .
14 The best move was a forty yard pass from Macca , touched on by Deane to Wallace , I think ending up with a shot from Rocky .
15 ‘ Then I 'll get some , ’ she decided on the spot , and embarked on a small spending spree , ending up with a bottle of Becherovka , a bottle of plum brandy called Slivovitz and a presentation box of some sweet wafer biscuits called Oplatky which were traditional to the area .
16 She 's ending up with a getting on to job centres and all that , you know .
17 The point is here that he has mentioned in his press release a number of okay local people , and by doing this in this particular way he has greatly increased the possibility and probability of ending up with a piece in the local newspaper .
18 Quite often she 'd make a grab , I 'd move with her and there would be a tug'o'war , ending up with the food breaking or her giving up .
19 Various high-ranking people , ending up with the governor himself , turned up , asking them to go to bed , but they would n't go .
20 TEENAGE girls are ending up with the bones of old women because of eating disorders which are producing ‘ horrifying results ’ , a doctor said yesterday .
21 Questions biting at her like rats , ending up with the sharpest bite of all .
22 All the originals are locked to prevent accident but the elements can be ungrouped and manipulated to create new designs or , given a colour system , you can try adjusting the colours of the elements and backgrounds — often ending up with an entirely new feel .
23 Under the authorship of one of the Institute 's latest recruits , public transport travel consultant Barry S. Doe MCIT , ‘ Tickets , Trains and Timetables : The Impact of Privatisation on the Rail Network ’ warns that the country is in danger of ending up with an airline style ticketing system in which passengers wishing to travel outwards on one franchisee 's train but return home on another 's may have to pay a supplement up to the value of the full ‘ standard ’ fare .
24 Try to avoid an approach which ends up with a very small amount of airbrake .
25 Broomfield gets under everyone 's feet , but soldiers on and ends up with a revealing , funny film about the petty power plays and outsize egos of showbiz .
26 Broomfield gets under everyone 's feet , but soldiers on and ends up with a revealing , funny film about the petty power plays and outsize egos of showbiz .
27 It becomes a very resourceful swineherd — multiplies its pigs on forest acorns — and ends up with a lot of triumphant slaughter and roast pork and crackling .
28 Tiphook ends up with a lot of goodwill on the balance sheet , which can be a risky position to be in , but Montague is skilled at that sort of move . ’
29 On appeal , this assumption could be shown to be false and the village ends up with a significant new development site ; it is this type of appeal decision which leaves the layman surprised and frustrated at the way in which the system operates .
30 Director Atom Egoyan weaves sex , censorship and second-hand experience into his theme , and ends up with a reflective movie that 's also both faltering and uncertain
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