Example sentences of "occur at a time " in BNC.

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1 The reason for this is to prevent additional symptoms occurring at a time when you might be suffering from PMT .
2 Moreover , this is occurring at a time when few resources are available to enable them to deal with increased numbers .
3 For Iraq , the effect had been particularly severe , occurring at a time when the country was suffering a financial crisis as a result of having fought a war against Iran on behalf of all Arabs .
4 Pope Clement , however , was not inclined to agree and that occurred at a time when the people of England were annoyed at the imposition of heavy taxation by the Cardinal Morton , also Cardinal Wolsey .
5 It occurred at a time when abolitionist leaders hoped for improved treatment of slaves in the West Indies but had not focused on emancipation as an objective and had not specifically propagandised for it .
6 Their adoption in Britain occurred at a time of high unemployment .
7 This occurred at a time when the militancy of rank-and-file officers increased .
8 This occurred at a time when the Government support in the opinion polls was at one of its lowest ebbs and seemed a desperate attempt to create an atmosphere in which opposition to the Poll Tax became synonymous with criminality .
9 This occurred at a time when the future of the Harwell Laboratory , AEA 's main research establishment , had come under review .
10 In the Netherlands , however , it appears that for much of the past 30 years , a substantial reduction in levels of imprisonment occurred with no greater rise in crime than occurred in Britain ; and that reduction occurred at a time of rising crime in Holland .
11 The talks were the most significant in a 15-month series of deputy foreign ministerial level discussions in that they occurred at a time when the two countries appeared to be on the verge of restoring full diplomatic relations .
12 Certainly the fringe banking crisis of 1973–74 occurred at a time of a large inflow of new institutions into the market as a result of the perceived liberal market conditions brought about through competition and credit control .
13 This , however , occurs at a time when the government has limited financial slack to be able to respond .
14 A variation order or some other delay caused by the client occurs at a time which does not cause additional delay or cost but which would have done so if the contractor had not already been behind schedule .
15 The importance of the PPR is that it occurs at a time when the numbers of new susceptible hosts are increasing and so ensures the survival and propagation of the worm species .
16 The revival of takeover speculation — there is little doubt that European and Japanese buyers lurk — has occurred at a time when the merchant bankers , after a long period in the doldrums , are enjoying a rerating on trading considerations .
17 It has occurred at a time when expenditure on the CAP is again almost out of control and increasing all the time .
18 The crash had occurred at a time of clear visibility and good weather conditions .
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