Example sentences of "occur in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 It carries more textual meaning than an adverbial occurring in the same position .
2 The question for us now is whether these new forms of growth are occurring in the same geographical labour market areas as those of factory and public sector job losses .
3 If we analyse the relation between the event of " passively experiencing " denoted by have and that of saying or happening denoted by the infinitive , it becomes obvious immediately that the two must be conceived as occurring in the same stretch of time : one can only experience something while it is happening .
4 NEONATAL MORTALITY RATE — measures the chance of death during the first month of life ; it is calculated as the number of deaths under 28 days of age ( or under one month ) during a specified time period per 1,000 live births that occurred in the same period .
5 PERINATAL MORTALITY RATION — The annual number of late fetal deaths plus infant deaths during the early neonatal period ( sometimes infant deaths during the first month of life ) per 1,000 live births that occurred in the same year .
6 In the context of the May 1990 preliminary talks between the African National Congress ( ANC ) and the government [ see p. 37440 ] , two other notable encounters between the nationalist movement and the white establishment occurred in the same month : ( i ) on May 23 the ANC met liberal representatives of the business community in Johannesburg , during which ANC deputy president Nelson Mandela , in what was seen as an attempt to reassure investors , declared that the ANC did not have a blueprint for nationalization ; at the conclusion of the conference , with the former chairman of the company Anglo American , Gavin Relly , he emphasized the need to abolish institutionalized inequalities and to redistribute resources equally ; and ( ii ) on May 24 fighters from the ANC 's armed wing and members of the ANC national executive committee ( NEC ) met with retired and serving officers of the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , military conscripts and , among others , members of the End Conscription Campaign at a conference in Lusaka , the Zambian capital ; these discussions included the structure and role of a post-apartheid defence force .
7 As early as 1952 ( the first British atomic test occurred in the same year ) the defence planners produced a new and detailed analysis — the " Global Strategy Paper " .
8 Individual Athenians felt no compunction at this tightening of the screws : an Athenian father of about this time called his son Karystonikos , shamelessly exulting in the ‘ Victory over Karystos ’ , and the name Naxiades , which occurs in the same inscribed casualty-list ( ML 48 ) can be similarly explained .
9 The difference is still more striking when it occurs in the same work , e.g. Arnold von Bruck 's ‘ O du armer Judas ’ ( published by Hans Ott of Nuremberg in his collection of 121 newe Lieder , 1534 ) which ends with a Kyrie :
10 The underlying functions and motivational causation are , however , different , for the chimpanzee 's behaviour does not occur in the same setting of structured kinship and family relations as happens in man .
11 This may occur in the same physical configuration as that of Fig. 3.16 ( p. 81 ) used for calculating the torque upon a single turn of current-carrying wire .
12 Conclusive evidence that the bare and to infinitives can not be treated as meaningless variants is provided however by Jespersen 's observation that there are some cases where both forms can occur in the same context .
13 This suggests that either two separate integration events have occurred in the same trypanosome , or that the ST3 line is polyclonal .
14 Auxiliary need tends to occur in the same syntactic environments as at all , ever and any , which are typically found in so-called non-assertive sentences .
15 The attempt to grasp this difference and to put it into words is a recurrent theme of Formen , especially because the secondary theme is to understand the contradiction which arises when the two opposed conceptions of man occur in the same society in periods of transition .
16 In parts of Britain , two , or even all three , of these types of suitable positions occur in the same area .
17 These are mainly for tin but also for zinc , lead and silver which occur in the same veins , and for wolfram and tungsten , which are used in making special steels .
18 Secondly , ordinal similarity , a relation referring to the degree in which characters in two strings occur in the same order .
19 Transitional stages in the evolution of definite cross-veins may also be observed in wings of the more specialized Palaeodictyoptera and among living Orthoptera , where both irregular and definite cross-veins occur in the same wing .
20 These openings , some of which occur in the same place year after year , are often of great biological importance , allowing light to penetrate , phytoplankton to bloom , and whales , seals and seabirds to survive when the rest of the sea remains covered .
21 In class structure grammar ( see under grammar ) , most clauses have only one subject , but there are occasions where two subjects occur in the same clause .
22 The other terms , for example , are all the same in each market , so on averaging they occur in the same form as they do in an individual market .
23 As the vast majority of applications occur in the same peak period , should not people try to spread them so that there is not the same concentration ?
24 — yet one is urged to look to common parent ? why should two of the most closely allied species occur in the same country ? ’
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