Example sentences of "occur [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fourthly , it is obvious that the overall decline in birth rate and population growth which was occurring as part of the demographic transition to small birth and death rates was greatly exaggerated by the poor economic conditions and the unemployment of the inter-war years .
2 Most of the reported cases had associated Epstein-Barr viral infection and occurred during treatment with high doses of cyclosporin in combination with corticosteroids and azathioprine .
3 The improvements that occurred during treatment with both preparations were similar and did not differ statistically between the groups .
4 This in turn made it possible to consider changes in language behaviour which occurred during childhood as products of the same mechanisms which had been documented in respect of other kinds of behaviour ; verbal behaviour was to be understood in terms of the same learning principles which had been derived from studies of the behaviour of rats , pigeons and monkeys .
5 To detect contamination occurring during preparation of samples , negative control samples containing only water were treated exactly as the tissue samples and examined by polymerase chain reaction techniques .
6 The pig is infected by ingestion of earthworms and the L3 , released by digestion , travel to the mesenteric lymph nodes , moult and the L4 then reach the lungs by the lymphatic-vascular route , the final moult occurring after arrival in the air passages .
7 The proposal form should be checked to see if the Policyholder disclosed the illness/injury or if the complaint first occurred after inception of the policy , did the Policyholder disclose this at the appropriate renewal date .
8 The parents agreed that the priority problem was temper tantrums which always occurred after refusal of Joanne 's demands .
9 Diagenetic fabrics — fabrics which result from processes which occurred after deposition of the sediment .
10 Internal promotion seems to have been frequent , and occurred with Ælfstan of St Augustine 's Canterbury , Leofric and Leofsige of Ely , Æthelstan of Ramsey and Leofsine of Thorney .
11 By the time ‘ taking stock ’ is occurring in preparation for the annual report to parents , priorities are being considered for next year 's Plan .
12 Further large-scale deforestation is occurring in response to government-sanctioned development projects , many of which involve cash cropping and ranching .
13 As is the case with the parasitic wasp , it seems that sex allocation is occurring in response to environmental variation .
14 Thus if a member has a sound reason for believing that some malpractice is occurring in connection with the council 's funds , he is under a public duty to inform the council .
15 Spike 's one eye tried to focus on the movements occurring in front of him .
16 However , it was often not the prime reason for the call out , typically occurring in combination with other factors , usually some form of physical injury .
17 There is , however , little evidence that integration as defined by Cunningham et al ( 24 ) is occurring in practice in Scotland or being implemented as a national policy .
18 Specific treatment with immunoglobulin early in the course of the illness is likely to be equally appropriate in toxic shock syndrome occurring in association with surgical procedures or with other conditions and should perhaps be recommended .
19 Our review of the surveillance programme had three distinct goals : ( a ) to obtain full follow up of all patients who had participated at any time in the surveillance programme ; ( b ) to identify any other patients , who attended the department over this time and who should have been recruited into the surveillance programme ; and ( c ) to identify all cases of colonic carcinoma occurring in association with ulcerative colitis presenting to the department over this period .
20 It causes ‘ thrush ’ , which is an infection of mucous membranes occurring from time to time in young children , characterized by white patches developing in the mouth .
21 What is puzzling , however , is that this increase occurred in spite of the fact , as Beenstock points out , that ‘ marginal tax rates were lower in 1968 than they were in 1956 . ’
22 The authors speculated that this discrimination occurred in shortlisting for senior house officer and senior registrar posts ( rather than in interviews ) , and today 's study supports that speculation .
23 In their analysis , maximum warming occurred in winter in high latitudes and in continental interiors .
24 Frequently generals thought it best if they were outmanoeuvred to in effect accept an honourable surrender er and er bargains of this kind occurred from time to time between largely mercenary armies .
25 It leads on to one of the basic processes of geographical inquiry , to study the impact of processes occurring over time on different areas .
26 Otherwise des Forges and Harber noted it as occurring on passage in several years between 1947 and 1961 , and between 1962 and 1975 about 29 were seen , 18 in spring between 17 March ( 1969 , Newhaven , earliest county record ) , and 13 May , and nine in autumn between 1 July and 15 September .
27 The number of lost time accidents occurring on site during 1992 was 14 including 6 which were reportable to the HSE .
28 The detrimental effect on fast pulses is particularly serious , distortion of the types shown in figures 4.12(b) and 4.13(b) occurring on account of the transient response of the resistance-capacitance combinations .
29 The reverse occurred on restoration of the dot key and depression of the dash key .
30 He took the effect of a deformation occurring at time for a period d to be proportional to and was thus led to his superposition integral which in modern terminology is
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