Example sentences of "fail [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On Sept. 18 Isidore Mvouba was dismissed as Minister of Trade and Commerce after he failed to attend the first meeting of the Cabinet , attending instead a meeting of his own party , the ( formerly ruling ) Congolese Labour Party ( PCT ) .
2 Despite Savimbi 's Nov. 17 commitment , UNITA failed to attend the multiparty talks on Nov. 21 , describing the meeting as a " circus " and citing fears for the security of its officials as the reason for its absence .
3 With one eye on the next deal and the other on the one after that , its grandees failed to spot the long-term slide in profitability , let alone reverse it .
4 He saw the counterculture as a desperate cry for help from the captured sons and daughters of the Evil One ; a cry , he feels , which went virtually unheeded by many Christians who saw only the law-breaking or iconoclasm and failed to see the spiritual hunger .
5 Auguste failed to see the hidden tensions and passions behind these simple manoeuvres ; to him it only signified that the banquet had acquired a reality .
6 She did not look at the old man , so she failed to see the shrewd yet kindly glance he gave her .
7 Prowling on through the foul open area , wrapped in such pleasant fantasies , I almost failed to see the furtive movement on the edge of my vision .
8 You failed to connect the various elements together or to move through the detail to the larger issues of the painting .
9 He did not feel the movement below him as the tombstone , old and crumbling , began to settle in the ever — soft earth , failed to sense the gentle , swaying motion as it broke away from its anchorage on the wall .
10 The next day he called a halt to the anti-Suchinda rallies , but warned that they would be resumed if the government failed to implement the constitutional changes .
11 iv A family has received £400 in compensation after a coach holiday firm failed to provide the smoke-free transport specified in the brochure .
12 This was misplaced , they claim , for the franchisors failed to deliver stock , failed to provide the requisite level of back-up and consistently over-estimated the level of sales that franchisees might expect .
13 Roads , communications and power were government dominated monopolies , and failed to provide the necessary service .
14 In addition , central management failed to provide the clear leadership Griffiths had hoped for .
15 Mayer was trying to console Gilbert on the day of what should have been his wedding to Garbo , but when the bride failed to appear the forsaken groom fled to the men 's room where Mayer found him crying .
16 The years 1961 – 63 were undoubtedly one of the peaks in the special relationship , and the successors of Kennedy and Macmillan in the 1960s failed to establish the same rapport .
17 They failed to catch the popular imagination in the way the inhabitants of Coronation Street , Albert Square and Ramsay Street have done .
18 We assume that contractions were totally absent or failed to occlude the intestinal lumen .
19 Mr Bill Loveluck-Edwards , voted best-dressed solicitor in town two years ago , failed to meet the high standards required by the bench in Bridgend , Mid Glamorgan .
20 Nevertheless , and irrespective of the debate on the degree of influence of annual weather variations on long-term ozone trends , the fact that 101 areas in the country failed to meet the 0.12 ppm ozone standard in 1988 is extremely worrying .
21 Mozart spent part of the autumn of 1790 in Frankfurt , but failed to attract the financial success he desperately needed .
22 Most important was that the Association had lost a high proportion of the key members by death or removal from the area , and failed to attract the younger men coming home from war service who found an outlet in more direct political activity .
23 However the Tatarstan authorities then failed to grant the necessary licences .
24 Yesterday 's ballot was widely seen as a test of strength for Mr Meciar , whose hand-picked candidate last month outpolled his opposition rival but failed to garner the required three fifths majority in the 150-seat house in two rounds of voting last month .
25 Thus , when in November 1947 a resolution was put to the United Nations General Assembly ( UNGA ) Committee for Political and Security Questions , calling for a reaffirmation of the December 1946 resolution , it failed to secure the two-thirds majority required for adoption .
26 However , plans to send members of the Japanese armed forces to the Gulf in a non-combat role had collapsed in November after Kaifu failed to secure the necessary bipartisan support for the measure 's approval in the House of Councillors — the upper chamber of the Diet — where the LDP lacked an overall majority .
27 Repeated referendums were held between 1983 and 1990 in an attempt to achieve this end , but each failed to secure the necessary 75 per cent approval level [ see p. 37251 ] .
28 A bill to extend President 's rule in the troubled state of Punjab collapsed in the Lok Sabha on Oct. 1 when it failed to secure the required majority [ for previous extension of President 's rule in April 1990 see p. 37377 ] .
29 British Coal , in proceeding as it did , failed to secure the responsible and appropriate use of the house it had promised .
30 That , he admitted on his return , summed up the gloom in the Irish camp as the national team failed to secure the top six finish they needed to win a place in next year 's World Cup finals in Sydney .
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