Example sentences of "fail [to-vb] [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , and irrespective of the debate on the degree of influence of annual weather variations on long-term ozone trends , the fact that 101 areas in the country failed to meet the 0.12 ppm ozone standard in 1988 is extremely worrying .
2 Thus , when in November 1947 a resolution was put to the United Nations General Assembly ( UNGA ) Committee for Political and Security Questions , calling for a reaffirmation of the December 1946 resolution , it failed to secure the two-thirds majority required for adoption .
3 Yates blamed father Mike 's coaching after he failed to reach the 1500 metres final .
4 The volume of investments fell 10 per cent short of the target and failed to reach the 1988 level .
5 The neo-Nazi Republicans ( Republikaner ) had campaigned strongly for German reunification , while also playing on West German fears engendered by the flood of immigrants from Eastern Europe , but failed to win the 5 per cent of votes needed to win representation in the Landtag .
6 Harry Bradshaw , who died in December at the age of 77 , was probably as well known for the manner in which he failed to win the 1949 Open as his considerable success elsewhere .
7 The array of tyres and cones failed to daunt the 20 competitors , most of whom managed clear rounds .
8 The bookmakers offered less , racing demanded more and the government-appointed members of the Levy Board , which distributes the money , failed to persuade the two parties to split the difference .
9 When Suzy failed to keep a six o'clock appointment her worried boss rang police , who later found her purse and straw hat .
10 When put to the members as a whole ( Extraordinary General Meeting , November 1984 ) , the proposal was lost , failing to secure the 2:1 majority .
11 Old-timers who censure today 's superstars for failing to emulate the three GPs in a day performances of Hailwood and Co are blind to the advances of science .
12 Blindfolded and presented with this and a Def Leppard album , sensible money could be put on 80 per cent of those challenged failing to tell the two apart .
13 Though Wooderson failed to beat the two healthy Swedes Gundar Hagg and Arne Andersson before 54,000 people , his effort lifted the spirits at a time when , without the tension of war , there was still the dreariness of rationing and shortage .
14 The buyer paid the cash sum but failed to deliver the two ‘ trade-in ’ lorries .
15 Anderson , twice winner of the North of Ireland , and once the South , was hurt when he failed to make the 1989 team which won at Peach Tree .
16 But 100-metres champion Linford Christie failed to make the 5.40 pm showdown and his dream of a sprint double died .
17 A subsequent vote in the Senate failed to achieve the two-thirds majority necessary to overturn a presidential veto .
18 The article fails to emphasise the two most important tenets of safe prescribing of aminoglycosides — namely , that they should be used only if clinically justified and that they should be stopped as soon as the patient 's condition permits .
19 US economic recovery has failed to stem a 1992 profits decline at IMI , which yesterday reported its third successive annual setback .
20 So far three hours and thirty minutes of football has failed to separate the two sides .
21 He gave every impression of being a man besotted with her — he felt he had failed to grasp the one chance of happiness facing him . ’
22 Although the case has been covered in the Mexican press , the National Commission for Human Rights — a department of the Mexican Government — has failed to name the two people and have declined to issue further information .
23 A sub-contractor who fails to supply the 715 voucher may have his certificate withdrawn by the Inland Revenue .
24 It noted that the authorities had failed to investigate the six previous attempts on the life of Francisco " Chico " Mendes , the peasant union leader and ecological campaigner who was finally murdered on Dec. 22 , 1988 , in the Amazonian town of Xapuri [ see p. 36459 ] .
25 Even if Swapo fails to get the two-thirds of the vote it needs to write its own constitution , it will have little difficulty in persuading one or another of the smaller parties to work with it .
26 On Oct. 10 , the House of Representatives narrowly failed to achieve the two-thirds majority necessary to override Bush 's veto of a bill which would have limited imports of textiles , clothing and shoes .
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