Example sentences of "fail [verb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was quite dark when Breeze let herself into the house , and for a second she was dazzled by the electric light , and failed to see the suitcases in the hall .
2 Relations with Turkey had been strained since Oct. 1 , 1989 when the Turkish President , Turgut Ozal ( at the time Prime Minister ) , hinted that Turkey might reduce the flow of the Euphrates River if Syria failed to curb the attacks on Turkey by Kurdish separatists from Syrian-occupied eastern Lebanon .
3 Under Mr Ciampi , the Bank of Italy failed to curb the politicians ' profligacy , but it never gave up trying .
4 This figure includes some 900,000 people who in 1985 failed to claim the benefits they were legally entitled to .
5 The colonel ordered his men to line up and commence ‘ rapid fire ’ , but the twentieth century weaponry failed to combat the creatures .
6 It was assumed that spoken forms which failed to observe the rules of morphology and syntax considered appropriate to written forms were ‘ incorrect ’ and ‘ ungrammatical ’ .
7 The relief sought is an order of certiorari , and the principal ground on which relief is sought is that in relation to Winchester the board of Lautro had on 30 October failed to observe the rules of natural justice .
8 In the end there was long and controversial litigation , which nevertheless failed to establish the rights that Kagan sought .
9 Lord Carrington , chair of the European Communities conference on Yugoslavia , declared himself " disappointed " and " concerned " , after separate talks with the Croatian and Serbian Presidents and the Bosnian Foreign Minister on June 25 in Strasbourg failed to restart the negotiations .
10 The World Bank had in March 1989 suspended disbursements on $350,000,000 of sector reform loans after the government failed to meet the conditions attached to them [ see p. 36613 ] .
11 On July 13 , 1989 , the European Commission sent to the West German government a " reasoned opinion " that West German drinking water failed to meet the standards set under a 1980 EC directive .
12 A total of 109 out of 453 designated bathing beaches failed to meet the standards , compared to 103 out of 446 in 1990 .
13 Only 88 of the 416 beaches monitored in 1992 ( compared with 102 in 1991 ) failed to meet the standards set by the European Community directive on bathing waters .
14 The creation of the autonomous region had been opposed by the Moro National Liberation Front ( MNFL ) , the largest of the separatist guerrilla organizations , on the grounds that it made insufficient concessions to Moslem autonomy and failed to meet the terms of the 1976 Tripoli Accord [ see p. 28440 ] .
15 After trials with Sequent and ICL kit , Nuclear Electric said ICL 's DRS6000 Unix based systems failed to meet the requirements it had set , including an open-ended , upgradable system , high application performance and a complete integration plan .
16 That would come after ten years of Deng 's reforms failed to meet the expectations they had created .
17 Because there was still enough runway space to go around , they failed to attract the airlines .
18 Whereas Philip V succeeded ( where two hundred years of Hapsburg effort had failed ) in dismantling the political institutions that gave Catalonia , Valencia , and Aragon a quasi-independent status his successors failed to diminish the fueros of the Basque Provinces — Guipúzcoa , Vizcaya , Alava — and of Navarre .
19 THE signing of India 's boy wonder , Sachin Tendulkar , failed to smash the accusations of racial discrimination surrounding Yorkshire Cricket .
20 Time and again women failed to find the words in which to frame their questions , knowing only that the language available to them did not fit .
21 Critics say , however , that the commission failed to obtain the views of those outside the academic and political establishment and that any progress has come about independently of its work .
22 It was n't that Ice-T never got to meet the highly desirable Coffy , whose destruction of dope dealers took place to the accompaniment of a Roy Ayers score , but rather that he and Hinojosa failed to obtain the rights to a James Brown track from the movie Black Caesar .
23 If they failed to reach the fuses in time , they 'd be killed with the rest on the wall , and only a little earlier than the men of both sides who would open fire , without doubt , claiming treachery .
24 The short answer to this submission is that at the outset the Board of Review , in stating the issue for their decision , addressed themselves to the wrong question and in their consideration of the facts failed to apply the principles of law stated by Atkin L.J .
25 Supper , ’ he called and , absorbed by troubles small and great , failed to hear the cries from the church .
26 He also noted that sales in the first two months of the year are ahead of company budgets , but this failed to help the shares , which closed 30p lower at 143p , having been down 38p at one stage .
27 His wife failed to persuade the judges to include him amongst the prisoners released in the celebrations of the coronation of Charles II , and in her bitterness told them that her husband was being denied justice because he was a tinker and a poor man .
28 Yet the logic of the definition suggested that it would benefit especially kings , whose competence to declare war could not be impugned : thus Thibaud of Blois failed to persuade the monks of Marmoutier that they owed him service when he fought against Louis VI ; they claimed discretion in the matter ; and in 1184 , the mighty Philip of Alsace hesitated to commit to battle the army he had summoned against Philip Augustus , through fear that its ranks might melt away .
29 They did n't work for the Labour Party , which failed to persuade the voters of the value of self-sacrifice .
30 However , despite meetings with Levy and Shamir , he failed to persuade the Israelis to change their policy .
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