Example sentences of "lord [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was released and will be sentenced by Lord Cowie at the end of the trial .
2 and Lord Meston for the mother .
3 Lord Meston for the father .
4 The leading principles of prize law were settled by Lord Stowell during the Napoleonic wars ; and they were the basis of the prize law which was applied in the 1914–18 and 1939–45 wars .
5 There are a number of connections between elements in the Whitehouse/NVALA philosophy and aspects of the relationship between law and morality described by Lord Devlin in The Enforcement of Morals .
6 The positions outlined by Lord Devlin in the lecture referred to above , and the reply by his major critic H.L.A .
7 And — who was Lord Fiske of the Decimal Currency Board ( ah , glorious corporatist Labour party designation , The Decimal Currency Board ) and why did he say that ‘ All was going well ’ when nobody except the very young or very bright could understand a thing ?
8 Disputes with that Chesapeake neighbour would trouble the new Lord Baltimore for the remainder of his life .
9 The term does not cover only threats of violence but anything detrimental or unpleasant according to Lord Wright in the civil case of Thorne v MTA [ 1937 ] AC 797 .
10 Mrs Whitehouse wrote immediately to the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications to complain about the episode , receiving an apologetic reply from Lord Hill of the BBC .
11 She operated an ‘ elective dictatorship ’ , a phrase coined , ironically , by Lord Hailsham about the Labour government under Wilson .
12 ‘ She 's killing herself with what she eats , ’ said Lord Grubb to the three left at the table , who felt they should be listening to nothing .
13 Former Arts Minister Lord Gowrie on the death of Francis Bacon
14 Clovis Sangrail listened silently to this conversation , and after lunch he spoke to Lord Pabham in the smoking-room .
15 The Hastings £20m scheme was celebrated by a successful ‘ Gala Day ’ on 27 April when unlimited travel over the line for only £1 was available and more formally on 6 May when the Queen Mother ( Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports ) travelled over the line in the Royal Train .
16 Just time for a cup of coffee , she thinks , but she will have to make it herself as the office is short staffed , with the Corporal Clerk away representing the Corps at the celebrations to mark the tenth anniversary of the Queen Mother being appointed Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports .
17 This might or might not suit the wishes of the Lord Warden of the Forest .
18 A man who was Commander-in-Chief , First Lord of the Treasury , Chancellor of the University of Oxford , Lord High Constable , Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports , Constable of the Tower , Commissioner of the Royal Military College and Military Asylum , Chief Ranger and Keeper of Hyde Park and St. James 's Park and , when he had a week or two free , Home Secretary , Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister , deserved a little respite when it came to correspondence .
19 Deal Castle was constructed by order of Henry VIII and is the largest in the network of Tudor coastal defences ; Walmer Castle , shaped like a Tudor rose , is the official residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports , who , at the present time , is Her Majesty the Queen Mother .
20 Their intervention halted Lord Silsoe in the middle of reading a statement .
21 Pointing at Lord Aldington across the courtroom , Mr Zivkovic said : ‘ I do n't know whether he is guilty .
22 Men with widely differing occupations like the Collector of the King 's Customs at Plymouth , a Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty , the Treasurer of St Bartholomew 's Hospital and a Chief Clerk of Session in Scotland all shared a common interest in the Gardeners Dictionary .
23 Sir Stephen Fox , who was Member of Parliament for Sarum and served as Lord Commissioner of the Treasury for both King Charles II and William 111 , from 1665 until his death in 1716 , bought the copyhold , in 1682 , or thereabouts , of an estate north-west of Corney House ( on the river front of Old Chiswick ) and behind the first Earl of Burlington 's mansion in Chiswick , and in 1691 he also acquired several acres on the west side of Chiswick Lane , where he sited a mansion with gardens , which he came known as Manor Farm House .
24 After the War General Student who had commanded German airborne forces congratulated Lord Mountbatten on the raid as the ‘ best example of the use of airborne forces with other forces ’ , and Lord Mountbatten considers this raid ‘ the most 100% perfection of any raid I know ’ .
25 Smith flew with the RAF at the end of the war in India and was a navigator in the aeroplane which flew Lord Mountbatten around the country when he was the last Viceroy .
26 As an auditionee I knew I worked best if I attempted something outrageous so I prepared Lord Foppington from The Relapse and you just have to let go with his Lordship otherwise there 's no point to it .
27 For many years the magazine 's best feature was ‘ Dear Bill ’ , the fictitious letters of Mr Denis Thatcher to a golfing friend ( Lord Deedes of The Daily Telegraph ) .
28 Joshua quoted Lord Rochester on the ‘ bitch Paris ’ :
29 For Jaq called to mind the fat , fussy majordomo and Lord Voronov-Vaux of the red vision — but not a bloodthirsty vision , and the great-eyed girl who had scampered from his bed , and all the survivors of the Genestealer uprising who had dolefully expected that their lives would at least continue after the disaster .
30 A humiliating defeat which he suffered at the hands of Lord Peyton in the house of Lords , has concentrated John Macgregor 's mind .
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