Example sentences of "serve as [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He believed that the PASOK movement could make a real contribution to European as well as Greek politics , but after serving as education minister in Papandreou 's second administration ( when he tried to reintroduce classical Greek into the school curriculum ) , he left to found his own ill-starred party , the Greek Radical Movement .
2 Bloch , who had spent 30 years in the foreign service , gained international notoriety in 1989 when he became the subject of an intensive FBI investigation into allegations that he has passed classified information to the Soviet Union whilst serving as deputy chief of the US embassy in Vienna in 1983-87 .
3 While serving as deputy chairman of ICI he became ill and was advised to take life a little more quietly .
4 Kajiyama had caused widespread outrage in the USA in September 1990 when , while serving as Justice Minister , he gave an impromptu press conference in Tokyo and compared the influence of blacks in the USA with prostitutes [ see p. 37715 ] .
5 The main character ( played by Natasha Richardson ) is dragooned into serving as breeding stock for a childless couple in the evangelical-state hierarchy .
6 While the older families derived their wealth from trade , the newer ones drew it more from investment in property , after coming to prominence initially through service to the Crown , as controllers of customs or victuallers for armies , or by serving as town clerk .
7 In 1872 , on a visit to Egypt , she met Lieutenant Soøren Adolph Arendrup , a thirty-eight-year-old widower and Danish officer , who was serving as artillery adviser to the Egyptian army .
8 He went to Cambridge , being incorporated BA on 9 February 1560 , and on 12 January 1561 he was appointed fellow of Magdalene College by royal mandate , serving as college treasurer from 1564 to 1566 .
9 First offerings are the StorageWorks RAID Array 110S , a turnkey , controller-based RAID subsystem for VAX OpenVMS systems supported on MicroVAX 3100 systems ; the StorageWorks Datacenter Cabinet , 70″ high by 31.5″ wide cabinet designed to serve as expansion storage for DEC 7000 AXP and DEC 10000 AXP systems ; the StorageWorks Desktop Expansion Unit supported on the DEC 3000 AXP Model 300L system ; StorageWorks Deskside Pedestal for the DEC 3000 AXP , DEC 4000 AXP , DEC 7000 AXP and DEC 10000 AXP , as well as the DECstation 5000 series and the VAXstation 4000 systems ; and four RW500 optical jukeboxes for SCSI and Q-Bus-based systems now , and to support StorageWorks systems in the near future .
10 Olechowski continued to serve as caretaker Finance Minister .
11 He set up his school in Edinburgh and in 1838 graduates of that school were made eligible to serve as army veterinary surgeons .
12 The State of California shall provide a child welfare building to serve as day care centres for single parents .
13 Nevertheless its greater flexibility ensured the eventual triumph of the head-type and many railway companies killed two birds with one stone by building a hotel to serve as station frontage .
14 On June 28 it was announced that Carlo Ripa De Meana , EC Commissioner responsible for the environment , nuclear safety and civil protection , was being recalled to Italy to serve as Environment Minister in the government of Giuliano Amato [ see p. 38978 ] .
15 Teachers are the only LEA employees entitled to serve as appeal committee members , but not in respect of appeals to their school .
16 Engholm was described by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung as the " political grandson " of former Chancellor Willy Brandt and by the Economist as a follower of the " pragmatic brand of social democracy " espoused by former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt , under whom he served as Education Minister until 1982 .
17 In the large marquee which served as Company Office and Company Stores combined , a line of wretched riflemen in dripping ground sheets sat bare footed waiting to display a fine collection of blisters .
18 He served as Deputy Lieutenant of Midlothian , and then of the City of Edinburgh , from 1956 to 1984 .
19 He also served as deputy lieutenant for the county of Essex .
20 Jones served as Deputy Team Manager for four years and took over from Mike Turner in 1989 .
21 He later served as deputy governor and then as governor of the Bank of Finland but was obliged to resign in 1983 [ see p. 32218 ] .
22 Lugar also served as county surveyor for Essex from 1812 to 1816 , and became a freeman of Colchester in 1812 .
23 He served as county captain in the 1960s and led Mickleover , for whom the was this year 's president , in 1954 and 1956 .
24 For 15 years he served as warehouse foreman before stepping down from that position to take responsibility of the new pre-mix plant .
25 She led the way to a room at the back which served as living room and kitchen , chattering non stop .
26 During the Second World War he worked in the production of aero-engine components and served as engineer officer with the Clevedon Fire Brigade .
27 In 1662–3 he served as lord mayor of London .
28 Our ship was Viking , a standard forty five foot Admiralty motor fishing vessel which served as training ship for the Stornoway Sea Cadets .
29 With World Cup captain Kevin Swords off touring with the Barbarians , 29-year-old flanker Mark Sawicki will serve as Eagle captain for the first time .
30 Towards the end of June , when sitting by Aunt Emily 's bed and explaining to her that they grew far too many potatoes for their needs and it would be sensible to grow turnips and swedes instead which would serve as winter food for the animals , Aunt Emily suddenly put out a hand and said .
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