Example sentences of "us [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 US funding for research into biodiversity increased by over two-thirds in 1987-89 , according to a report by the Washington-based World Resources Institute .
2 There was also the precedent established by the British when the ARB refused to validate the US certificate of airworthiness of the Boeing 707 in its original form and the manufacturers had to design and fit an additional dorsal fin to improve its ‘ Dutch roll ’ characteristics before Dai Davis , the ARB chief test pilot , was satisfied that the aircraft was up to UK certification standards .
3 The application called for a ruling to order US payment of compensation " in accordance with the injuries suffered by the Islamic Republic and the bereaved families " .
4 The brighter UK picture should be mirrored across the Atlantic , following the Presidential success of Democrat Bill Clinton , according to Bill Fabbri , chief US economist at MGM .
5 Following the Senate vote against ratification , Aquino on Sept. 17 withdrew an eviction notice closing down the US base at Subic Bay , issued in May 1990 [ see p. 37458 ] .
6 Under the 1987 treaty on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces [ see p. 35602 ] the last of the US ground-launched nuclear-armed cruise missiles stationed in Europe under the 1979 NATO " twin-track " decision [ see pp. 30159-60 ] were flown out of the US base at Comiso , Sicily , on March 26 .
7 Professor William A. Cassidy , of the University of Pittsburg , listening to Shima 's tale , resolved to search for meteorites on the other margin of Antarctica , near the US base on McMurdo Sound .
8 The last US foothold , Cubi Point naval air station ( an airfield attached to the Subic Bay naval base ) , was evacuated , and formal control over the vast Subic Bay site — once the largest US base outside north America — was formally transferred to the government of the Philippines .
9 On Jan. 31 the US Supreme Court reversed the injunction preventing the administration carrying out its policy of repatriating Haitian " boat people " intercepted by US coastguards and temporarily housed in camps at the US base of Guantánamo Bay , Cuba [ see p. 38569 ] .
10 The ‘ world 's first ’ colour flat panel X Window terminal has been launched by Japan Computer Corp from its US base in Fort Lee , New Jersey .
11 Following the October announcement , the Malaysian Foreign Ministry accepted the increased US use of Singapore 's existing facilities but reiterated that Malaysia would be unhappy with a permanent US base in Singapore .
12 From its US base in San Jose , the Samsung Workstation Division says the SWS715 is based on the 50MHz PA-7100 superscalar processor which includes on-chip floating-point co-processor and delivers 69 SPECmarks ( 89 ) and has true integer performance of 36 SPECint ( 92 ) and floating-point performance of 72 SPECfp ( 92 ) .
13 Queen 's Award for Technological Achievement winner Insignia Solutions Ltd , High Wycombe , Buckinghamshire , which has its US base in Mountain View , California , is now shipping its $550 third-generation emulator SoftPC 3.0 with Windows for the RS/6000 and SoftPC 3.1 with Windows for Hewlett-Packard Co workstations .
14 The Koldon Moving and Storage Company should therefore ship their household and personal effects to Eglin Airforce Base in Florida , after which the pentagon would take care of their delivery to a US base near Cadiz .
15 On Jan. 21 a Senate standing committee urged the government to make " full use of the opportunity provided by the US ban on weapons sales " , saying that " we should not only seek alternative sources but utilize all our capabilities to achieve self-reliance in defence production " .
16 , The Mexican government has decided not to take advantage of a GATT decision to condemn an earlier US ban on import of tuna from Mexico .
17 Truth in lending : US experience of APR
18 The Egyptian government expressed regret over the US decision on June 21 and stated that direct negotiation and continuous dialogue were the only way to resolve the dispute .
19 Although no details were released , the talks were believed also to have touched upon the US ban on space-related exports to India [ see p. 38914 ] , and a US decision on June 16 restricting the transfer of missile technology to some Third World countries , including India .
20 Oil industry representatives in the US expressed doubts last night about the effectiveness of the measures which , administration officials claim , will add about seven cents to the cost of a US gallon of petrol , which is about five-sixths the volume of the UK gallon .
21 The US change of policy followed international pressure for the creation of " safe havens " to protect the Kurds from further attacks by the Iraqi government .
22 In the course of his hour-long address , Arafat criticized US support for Israel , while welcoming Secretary of State James Baker 's statement linking loan guarantees with the halting of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories .
23 Clinton , meanwhile , was regarded as pro-Israeli and his victory was greeted with some alarm by the Arab countries , which feared a return to a policy of unconditional US support for Israel .
24 Also , in 1971–2 , US support for détente increased until , at Moscow , in May 1972 , Nixon and Brezhnev finally met and signed a Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty ( SALT ) limiting the number of inter-continental range missiles on each side .
25 In Greece , which had sent a frigate to the Gulf , there was concern that the balance of US military aid to Greece and Turkey was being upset as a result of increased US support for Turkey in the Gulf war .
26 Issue of US support for Iraq prior to Gulf War
27 The collapse of the coup was blamed by RAM on strong US support for Aquino , as well as their own failure to attract visible popular support , chiefly because they did not convince enough people that they had the experience to run the country .
28 In Potsdam — where the Prussian kings had their summer seat and where the wartime allies in 1945 decided the future of defeated Nazi Germany — Mr Baker assured Mr Modrow of US support for East German reforms .
29 Eliott Abrams , 43 , assistant secretary of state from 1985 to early 1989 , pleaded guilty in a federal court on Oct. 7 to two charges of illegally withholding information from Congress about covert US support for contra rebels in Nicaragua .
30 All United States economic aid to Yugoslavia for the fiscal year 1991 ( amounting to about US$5,000,000 ) , as well as US support for credits in international financial institutions , was frozen as of May 6 .
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