Example sentences of "march [adj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In March 1980 the state began to react to local concern .
2 On March 12 the government announced the further postponement of the presidential elections [ see p. 38754 ] to allow candidates sufficient time to campaign throughout the country .
3 Sanctions remained in force , although on March 22 the Security Council 's sanctions committee did announce that humanitarian aid would be approved for Iraq under the terms of the original sanctions resolution ( 661 of Aug. 6 , 1990 — see p. 37639 ] in view of the circumstances of the threat of famine and epidemic .
4 On March 22 the captain of the oil tanker Exxon Valdez , Joseph Hazelwood , was acquitted of three major charges and convicted of one misdemeanour in connection with the oil spill caused by his vessel off the Alaskan coast in March 1989 , the worst in US history [ see pp. 36541 , 36606 ] .
5 By March 1985 the figure had fallen to 21 per cent .
6 From September until the end of March 1993 the organisation will be following through a plan of restructuring and its constant search to find future funding for both its core activities and to develop further aspects of its collection and educational work .
7 At 31 March 1993 the company had 12 members who are the directors .
8 From March 1993 the project and construction management activities of Wimpey Construction Management will operate in the UK under the Grove name as the Management Division of GROVE PROJECTS .
9 On March 2 the trial of 21 police and Securitate officers began in Timisoara .
10 On March 2 the Bank of Spain assumed responsibility for Banco Ibercorp , the merchant bank of Ibercorp , which was in deep financial difficulties and had failed to find a buyer .
11 SIR — In answer to Martyn Harris 's recent suggestion that the tie was a passing fashion fad , may I point out that on March 30 the tie celebrated its 106th birthday , and its popularity is as high as ever .
12 On March 30 the Dnestr republic 's Supreme Soviet condemned the emergency decree and urged measures to ensure the ( Dnestr ) republic 's security " including using the 14th Army stationed in the republic as a guarantor of its citizens ' safety " .
13 On March 30 the Minister of Constitutional Development and Planning , Gerrit Viljoen , gave further details of the government 's plans for the constitution-making body .
14 Gen. Emile Lahud , C.-in-C. of the Lebanese Army , announced on March 30 the opening of the port road between West and East Beirut , in what was seen as a conciliatory gesture towards the Maronite Christians supporting President Hrawi .
15 The Bidlakes sent back their instructions in the same way , and were able to keep following England 's march all the way to the final in Melbourne .
16 On 6 March 1963 the suggestion was first made that there might be a printed Order of Service each Sunday .
17 In March 1979 the country 's Prime Minister , Sir Eric Gairy , was overthrown by the socialist New Jewel Movement which established a People 's Revolutionary Government under the leadership of Maurice Bishop .
18 At March 1979 the number of in-patients waiting over one year was 185,195 .
19 On March 26 the state prosecutor announced that charges of treason against Honecker would not be brought for lack of evidence but that he would face lesser charges of corruption and abuse of power .
20 In the National Assembly on March 26 the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation , Wilson Ndolo Ayah , had criticized " the sheer bad manners " of some diplomats , and on March 29 KANU secretary-general John Joseph Kamotho had warned Kenyans against " collaborating with foreign embassies " .
21 In March 1924 the presence of 198 inmates was noted ; the number of vagrants admitted during the previous fortnight had risen to 437 .
22 In the budget on 19 March 1991 the Chancellor announced that there would be extra Government grant to enable the community charge bills originally set by councils to be reduced by £140 for every individual ( or in the case of Wandsworth to reduce the bill to £0 ) .
23 At 31st March 1991 the scheme , which is contracted out of the state scheme , had assets of approximately £28.6m ( 1990 — £24.2m ) at market value .
24 It is not material to any issue before the court , but I should record that on 26 March 1991 the board of Lautro considered whether intervention remained justified in the light of information that had come to their knowledge since 30 October 1990 .
25 Also in March 1991 the State Statistical Bureau ( SSB ) gave details of the achievements of the seventh five-year plan ( 1986-1990 ) [ see p. 38097 ] .
26 The Nationalrat approved in March 1991 the construction of two rail tunnels through the Swiss Alps , which would take freight traffic off Swiss roads , but they would not be completed until 2015 .
27 On 8 March 1991 the council sent him a standard form letter in terms reflecting those of sections 64 and 65 .
28 In March 1991 the Government announced that the community charge will be replaced by a new system of local tax .
29 A government appeal in July to the Supreme Court , increased in size by presidential decree in April 1990 , allowed the privatization of the state airline Aeorolíneas Argentinas to proceed , although by March 1991 the sale was on the verge of collapse [ see pp. 37529 ; 37608 ; 37773 ; 38096 ] .
30 In March 1991 the Commission estimated that budgetary fraud cost up to 10 per cent of the EC 's total budget .
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