Example sentences of "march [adj] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The chastened company admitted that the shock loss showed that it had been guilty of poor financial controls and a badly-timed shareholders letter — Vannotti said the board was convinced up to March 22 when the shareholders letter was sent that it would record a profit for 1992 , but he and the chairman subsequently ordered a special audit , after financial controllers warned of problems with the accounts for Ascom 's cable television and mobile telephone businesses in Germany , and a closer examination revealed the German results had to be corrected by $41m — $28m of extraordinary depreciation and $12.8m of adjustments to inventory values , Vannotti said .
2 Relocation is expected to be complete by March 1995 when the existing Warren Spring site in Stevenage will be taken over by Glaxo .
3 Ellis became chief whip in March 1894 when the fifth Earl of Rosebery succeeded Gladstone as prime minister , and found life exceptionally difficult since the Liberals had only the narrowest of majorities .
4 Government forces delivered a critical blow to the rebels on March 7 when the Defence Ministry 's communication links were severed .
5 The Security Council , created in the December 1990 leadership restructuring , was constituted on March 7 when the USSR Supreme Soviet approved eight nominations by President Mikhail Gorbachev .
6 WI news : The next meeting will be held on March 26 when the subject will be vegetarian cookery .
7 WI news : The next meeting will be held on March 26 when the subject will be vegetarian cookery .
8 The WI met on March 26 when the subject was vegetarian cookery .
9 The exchange facility finally ended on Thursday 28th March 1991 when the last British Rail train hauled by a Class 47 diesel locomotive entered the Trench Yard to collect MOD rail wagons .
10 This proved invaluable in March 1941 when the Barley Mow brewery was knocked out of action by German bombers and the Cannon brewery had to fill in production for 18 months .
11 Although some 4,200 residency permits were accordingly made available , it was reported that 30,000-40,000 such immigrants gathered at a greyhound stadium on March 29 where the applications were to be processed .
12 The internal power struggle over constitutional and economic reform within Slovakia 's ruling Public Against Violence ( VPN or PAV ) came to a head on March 6 when the Prime Minister , Vladimir Meciar , announced the formation of a separate minority faction , to be known as Platform for a Democratic Slovakia .
13 In Germany the maintenance of a fixed , and clearly unsustainable , exchange rate in the face of massive speculative inflows rendered domestic monetary management virtually impossible from the late 1960s to March 1973 when the Deutschmark was floated .
14 The Prince Charles was just about to anchor in Tongue Bay , midway along the northern coast of Scotland , on 25 March 1746 when the 24-gun Sheerness , which far outclassed her , appeared and opened fire .
15 At a fateful meeting in March 1982 even the manager of the wave energy programme , Clive Grove-Palmer , was deliberately excluded .
16 The crash happened on March 14 when the helicopter went down while transporting 15 men from Shell 's Cormorant Alpha platform to an accommodation barge .
17 From about July 1988 to March 1989 inclusive the first defendant entered into transactions with members of the United Kingdom investing public who paid out money thereunder in return for shares in Euramco as appears from the entries for that period in the schedule annexed hereto .
18 The controversy received a new lease of life in March 1983 when the Irish Farmers Monthly published a confidential , internal IBM report and claimed that up to 2,000 acres of agricultural land near the mine were so badly contaminated with lead , zinc and arsenic that they were unsuitable for agriculture .
19 It was put into practice by Truman in March 1947 when the British government informed the USA that it was no longer able to aid the Greek government in its civil war with left-wing forces .
20 The Council of State , a 19-member advisory body established in March 1990 when the interim government was formed [ see p. 37314 ] , passed a motion of censure against President Ertha Pascal-Trouillot on Aug. 15 .
21 The postponement also reflected the intensifying conflict between President Ertha Pascal-Trouillot and the Council of State , a 19-member advisory body established in March 1990 when the interim government was formed , and followed the installation by her of a new 13-member Cabinet , on Aug. 27 , without seeking either the advice or consent of the Council of State .
22 Cuban relations with Czechoslovakia had already deteriorated sharply in March 1990 when the latter joined Poland , Bulgaria and Hungary in supporting a United Nations Human Rights Commission resolution critical of Cuba .
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