Example sentences of "herself with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He returned her look with a glance so suddenly intent that she felt a flash of absurd panic , and rose hurriedly to busy herself with the teapot .
2 She consoled herself with the thought that Pet would have been dead before it happened .
3 With a brave shudder Nelly poured the water on the tea leaves , comforting herself with the thought that boiling water killed germs of all sorts .
4 When her son was badly injured in a road accident , she nursed him to the point of exhaustion , refusing outside help , and comforted herself with the thought that if only her family knew what she was going through , they would rush to her rescue .
5 As she stood barefoot on the cold boards , she comforted herself with the thought that soon it would be spring , daffodils would raise proud trumpets to nod in the soft breezes and in the fields beyond the town lambs would be born .
6 She remain uncertain still what was to be done with it , though she consoled herself with the thought that in entering the court of Le Grand Jeu and submitting to its verdict , she had already taken the first tentative steps .
7 But she bore the pain stoically , trying to comfort herself with the thought that Luke was unaccustomed to failure with women .
8 She soothed herself with the thought that the small deception she was about to practise was not the only reason for her attack of nerves : her own college in London , housed in a nondescript modern block , had nothing at all in common with the medieval gateway in front of her .
9 Desperately trying to pull herself together , she strove to console herself with the thought that , if Ross could hardly remember their brief marriage , it was obviously going to make matters easier for them both during this hurried trip to America .
10 Kate had surprised herself with the intensity of her response .
11 This is not the same as being someone to whom other people often bring their problems ; that does not guarantee the instinctive knowledge of whether something is real or merely a " try-on " , or whether something that is being glosssed over is really something that should be dug out and gone into in depth , or whether the time has come to say and do nothing other than give encouragement to the sufferer to work something out for himself or herself with the assistance of other sufferers in the group .
12 All the actresses think that it is vital that France should , as they say , engage herself with the past .
13 She frequently had to pinch herself with the absurdity of it all .
14 Helen amused herself with the pretence that she always lived this way .
15 Fei Yen was looking down , the p'ip'a resting loosely against her breasts , her whole frame bent forward , as if she had emptied herself with the song .
16 But though she had wished things might have been different , she consoled herself with the knowledge that it could come to nothing .
17 It was an ordeal for Beth to be used for this night after night , but she comforted herself with the knowledge that he truly loved her and was always both gentle and considerate .
18 Still , she could console herself with the knowledge that Luke , and all his complexities , would n't be impinging upon her life for much longer .
19 She had not looked deliberately , not wanting to tempt herself with the sight of him .
20 Billie was fanning herself with the blanket to cool the sweat that was running down her body .
21 Mary-Claude 's pregnancy had been troublesome from the start , even without the stress of a month 's separation and having to cope by herself with the move back from Cyprus , and Coleman was exhausted from a gruelling month of detailed debriefings by a stream of DIA officers and analysts at an assortment of Ramada Inns in the Baltimore/Washington area .
22 As she acknowledged the formal expression of thanks for the information she had given , she consoled herself with the near-certainty that they knew most of it already .
23 Embarrassed , Izzie busied herself with the bedmaking , putting up her hand repeatedly to keep in place the headscarf over her shaved head .
24 Now several mornings a week when perhaps she should have been concerning herself with the house ( she delegated more and more to the housekeeper , who after all had run everything before she , Lily , had come ) , she would go and sit with Sadie , who was expecting another child at Christmas .
25 She had given up concerning herself with the agent of the Scarabae .
26 Sorrel excelled herself with the meal , although her father never mentioned it .
27 She fanned herself with the hat .
28 The Cockney porter who had smuggled in a bottle of booze for him said that one of them liked to satisfy herself with the aid of bottle necks .
29 Set the temperature to a degree or two higher than that of the maintenance tank and place the female in this set up for a time to associate herself with the layout and hiding places .
30 She consoled herself with the fact that her daughter understood .
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