Example sentences of "herself [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 After they had gone , Harriet took herself for a long walk over the cliffs , but for once the beauty of her surroundings , the early evening light on the sea , the cry of gulls and the distant sound of waves breaking on the shore below , failed to soothe her .
2 She refused the porter 's offer to crack open the bottle , and settled herself for a long wait .
3 She rested her chin on her knees , preparing herself for the long wait .
4 She mentally steeled herself for the long evening ahead , but , as it turned out , it was n't nearly as long as she had anticipated because towards the end of the evening she heard a sharp knocking on the door , and opened it to find André standing outside , a huge bunch of flowers in his arms .
5 She scuttled through the door and found herself in a long drawing-room choked with old-fashioned furniture .
6 She caught sight of herself in a long gilt mirror and smoothed her fair hair .
7 After a frugal meal , she wrapped herself in a long white cashmere cardigan that Ace had insisted on buying her , and sat out on the balcony that overlooked the distant Atlantic ocean , and , more immediately , the beautiful gardens of the hotel .
8 She was endeavouring to find her way to the courtyard when , reaching the end of one of the wide corridors , she found herself in a long gallery lined with portraits .
9 Alexandra surveyed herself in the long glass on the wall .
10 Catching sight of herself in the long wall-mirror as she pulled a peach-coloured , button-necked nightshirt over her head , she found herself wondering what Guy was doing .
11 Turning to the mirror , she saw herself in the long white silk dress , clinging to her slender body , curving off the shoulders , accentuating her fine collarbones , tight at the waist then flaring out with clouds of taffeta below that made it seem as if she floated rather than walked .
12 Rose never interested in clothes before , tried the lot on and beamed at herself in the long mirror .
13 Undoubtedly one of the best ways the overseas student has of seeing what is required in British theatre training is to apply for one of the summer schools offered by the drama schools , and find out what it 's all about before committing him- or herself to a long and expensive stay .
14 Lydia was resigning herself to a long stretch of celibacy .
15 She caught worldwide attention last year when she claimed in a defence of prostitution charges that she could only satisfy a sex addiction by selling herself to the long line of men .
16 While the water steamed from the taps , she busied herself at the long table beneath the bathroom mirror , lifting the lids from the various jars and sniffing at them until she found the one she was searching for .
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