Example sentences of "herself [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ace switched on the spacewalk jets and launched herself through the widening yawn of the doors .
2 The doorbell pealed and Julia shot upstairs from the basement , flung herself through the green baize door and then walked slowly and decorously across the black and white tiled hall .
3 He was followed by a head and a paw as the now enraged Rosie attempted to squeeze herself through the same opening .
4 ‘ Stop it , both of you ! ’ she exclaimed , pushing herself between the two of them .
5 Shirley Eaton looked fetching in her nurse 's uniform and a young probationer nurse was laying the tracks for a totally new profession for herself as the overemotional wallflower among the blossoming beauties of the hospital .
6 Describing herself as the unrepentant collector , Mrs. Vernon Smith showed a variety of garments and artefacts .
7 CATHERINE Zeta Jones sees herself as the new Barbra Streisand .
8 Okay so now suppose you have Florence as the first noun in T three and herself no do it the other way round , suppose you had herself as the first noun and T three Florence okay then you 'd find Florence does C command herself but it should n't
9 This interviewer sees himself or herself as the natural successor to Sir Robin Day .
10 Of course this contributed to Britain 's ability to feed herself during the Napoleonic Wars , but in bad years , because of the lack of imported corn , most people could not afford bread .
11 While she stood staring at it , breathing heavily and conscious that if anyone had made a fool of herself during the past few minutes it was Melissa Craig , the phone began to ring again .
12 Everything she had tried to achieve for herself during the last four years would have to be tossed away , useless .
13 Precisely because the Church mistakes herself for the present form of the Kingdom , God 's rule has often had to manifest itself in the secular world outside , and frequently against , the Church ’ ( Pannenberg 1975:78 ) .
14 ‘ Please help me out of my problems , Mr Croydon , ’ she said softly , despising herself for the wheedling tone in her voice .
15 She said , ‘ I expect it 'll be something you 'll remember and treasure for the rest of your lives , ’ and Carrie was pleased because she sounded like herself for the first time that day .
16 It was the first diet she 'd ever tried and it made her feel good about herself for the first time , too .
17 In the bedroom she had done everything that Tom Horrocks had bidden her , reflexively , without panic ; yet she had known herself for the first time up against the frailty of the human organism — ; the mess of it , the degradation .
18 The fragment of the Quimper dish she had picked up from the dustpan on the kitchen floor that day when she and Thérèse had seen , when she saw , when the lady had shown herself for the second time .
19 She rested her chin on her knees , preparing herself for the long wait .
20 She mentally steeled herself for the long evening ahead , but , as it turned out , it was n't nearly as long as she had anticipated because towards the end of the evening she heard a sharp knocking on the door , and opened it to find André standing outside , a huge bunch of flowers in his arms .
21 Tippy lay back and prepared herself for the worst afternoon of her life .
22 Do I want this job so badly ? she asked herself for the hundredth time .
23 As they began to climb the stairs , arms still wrapped around each other , Ronni asked herself for the hundredth time what she would do if he did .
24 So what was wrong with her ? she asked herself for the hundredth time as she sat sipping a glass of wine in his apartment in the Barbican some weeks after they 'd first met .
25 He dipped towards her , and she tried again to free herself , but the more she struggled , the more his fingers tightened their hold on the back of her neck , and she closed her eyes helplessly , steeling herself for the marauding touch of his mouth .
26 Security said they 'd send someone over right away , and she busied herself for the next few minutes with the half-dozen patients in the waiting area .
27 They just were n't compatible , she told herself for the umpteenth time .
28 This is crazy , she told herself for the umpteenth time .
29 Kate was quite unable to offer any more resistance , in fact was so busy mentally castigating herself for the happy daydreams she had had while dancing with Ace that Dara had little need of her determination to take control of the rest of the evening .
30 But a dull flush was creeping up her neck , and colouring her cheeks , and she felt furious with herself for the tell-tale signs of insecurity , for the ease with which the other girl had succeeded in humiliating her …
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