Example sentences of "until [art] [num ord] day " in BNC.

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1 He found that although the rats in the third group made many errors until the eleventh day , upon reinforcement on this day they made almost no mistakes .
2 ( 7 ) On receipt of an application of a kind referred to in subsection ( 6 ) above , and until the first day of the meeting of the board at which the application is to be considered , the clerk of a licensing board shall make the application , together with the documents lodged therewith , available for inspection by members of the public during normal office hours .
3 The clerk is required to make the application available for inspection during normal office hours by members of the public from the date of lodging until the first day of the meeting at which it is to be considered ( subs .
4 As for budgeting , my first assistant Micky Obbs is on a half-pay retainer until the first day of Principal Photography , along with Des Blackadder and Kevin Skuse .
5 Judge John Pringle accepted the case be adjourned until the first day of term after Easter .
6 I remember on one occasion the four of us went down to Glastonbury Fair where he sang , but due to a balls-up over the sound and the electricity , they did n't put him on until the next day and that was at about 5.00 in the morning when the sun came through .
7 Sometimes there might be the temptation to leave it until the next day if the weather is bad or your car will not start .
8 Sometimes when it is really cold , and it rains heavily all day long , some of the horses that we normally stable overnight are kept in longer , and may not be put out in the paddock until the next day when the rain has stopped .
9 She could put all but the most essential tasks off until the next day , or the next , and did it all the time .
10 The emergency staff had realised at 5 a.m. on Thursday 7 July that dialysis patients were at special risk from the aluminium , but the house of Robert Hill , a local man with kidney failure and a dialysis machine , was not contacted until the next day .
11 It was n't until the next day someone heard him shouting and came to his rescue .
12 He was in top form , witty and debonair , and the party continued until the next day when Modigliani , still in a happy mood , became so rowdy that he had to be thrown out and locked in a police cell all night .
13 When I got back I found the office was n't open until the next day , so I had to get a driver to break in for me .
14 One day during rehearsal of Sea Change , she remembers , when things were getting too complicated , she simply told him to stop and leave it altogether until the next day .
15 Once it 's down in black and white , you know you ca n't forget it so you can put it out of your mind until the next day .
16 On the other hand , his political opponents suffered too : Lord Lytton 's speech was so bad that many people had great difficulty in understanding him , and because his deafness did not allow him to take part in debates , everyone was often forced to wait until the next day for any reply from Lord Lytton because he would insist on reading what had been said in Hansard , the Parliamentary publication , before making his own speech .
17 She got told off for being late , but it was n't until the next day that Sally 's parents were phoned by the school who had heard about a gang of young people being at the hospital the previous night .
18 The police did n't inform the British Consulate about Jeremy 's disappearance until October 30 , and it was n't until the next day that the consulate contacted Jeremy 's grandmother in England .
19 I usually wait until the next day when the painting is thoroughly dry , when it will accept the light colour perfectly .
20 She was often out all evening and did not reappear until the small hours , so that it was not until the next day , not until the next evening , that Anna began to be alarmed at her absence .
21 Take it from the liquid , sprinkle it with oil , press it between two plates and leave it until the next day .
22 Too often the executive forgets to phone back until the next day .
23 Even if you know that the answer can wait until the next day it is far better to deal with it at once .
24 Keep the lights off during this process and until the next day .
25 The trestles supporting shallow wooden trays painted blue , red or yellow , and which have the vendor 's name and telephone number roughly inscribed on the front , these are all folded away at about twelve-thirty , until the next day .
26 Some folk did not really connect ( until the next day ) that a late night and a rolling sea were not really ideal partners .
27 Tired by her journey from the north of England and the heat , she had decided to defer unpacking until the next day , standing her cases temporarily to one side of the curtain that divided her cabin from the small galley .
28 ‘ Cathay Pacific waited until all the other airlines ’ flights had left before announcing their flight was to be postponed until the next day .
29 Any emergencies can now be dealt with without having to wait until the next day .
30 Indeed if the three years and a day expire on a Saturday or a Sunday or a bank holiday , when one can not issue a writ , the limitation period is extended until the next day on which one can ( Pritam Kaur v S Russell & Sons Ltd [ 1973 ] QB 336 ) .
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