Example sentences of "simply [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hence the 1-gram statistics of a data set are simply the frequency of each symbol within the data set .
2 But if every work of art is simply the expression of the artist 's intuition , it is evident that an absolute or complete pattern would be useless , since the intuitions of two different minds could never be expressed by the same form : nor can anything in art be said to have been ‘ done once for all ’ , since if it were ‘ done again ’ by another hand — used , that is , to express the intuition of another spirit — it would be no longer what had been done before .
3 It was not simply the principle of such an analysis being employed as a means of over-seeing their activities , they also objected to the ‘ league tables ’ ( as they called them ) on the grounds that they were an inaccurate and misleading data base for such an analysis , given the nature of the field man 's work :
4 Of course , the NRPO reports were simply the tip of an iceberg of documentation generated by the New Range project .
5 The ‘ Chicago ’ human capital approach ( e.g. Becker 1971 ; also see Mincer 1980 ) perhaps goes overboard the other way , seeing observed inequality as simply the reflection of current investments in human capital and returns to past investments .
6 The angular attenuation of scattering is measured by the particle scattering factor which is simply the ratio of the scattering intensity to the intensity in the absence of interference , measured at the same angle θ .
7 It could n't be simply The History of Wimbledon ( there was a book with that title — it did n't matter that it had been published nearly two hundred years ago ) .
8 It is convenient to introduce the idea of " switching angle " , which is simply the change in detected rotor position relative to the low-speed detected position .
9 ETA has had operatives in Barcelona for years , and the documents could reflect simply the continuation of these operations .
10 It had been thought at one time that the restriction did not apply to an attack on members of a party as a whole , or where the motive was simply the provision of information and not the demoting of a candidate , but Luft adopts an extensive interpretation of the scope of the provision .
11 Another is simply the lack of interest in Open Desktop on MIPS .
12 One must , of course , be infinitely grateful for a source as detailed and informative as Ata'i ; but one must also be careful not to allow simply the approach to the writing of biographies to mislead as well as inform , and not to ignore , in the flood of welcome facts , the more personal , anecdotal material which is given or to be unaware that there is much that is not given , much that is unexplained and perhaps by now unexplainable .
13 ( A locus is simply the location of a gene on a chromosome . )
14 Orton 's fault , or that of the staging by the multi-talented Jeremy Sams ; some flaw in the characterisations , or simply the passage of time and our over-exposure to horrors ?
15 However , the extent of the command in the Great Commission is not simply the spread of the gospel outwards territorially but down through the cultural layers .
16 However , it is not simply the type of service or resource which distinguishes one form of prevention from another .
17 A disclaimer would not be effective if it were merely contained in the small print of a contract or if it were simply the subject of a casual remark by the salesman during negotiations .
18 The yield to average life is simply the yield to maturity under the assumption that the entire bond matures on the date corresponding to the average life at the average redemption price .
19 By making the flow of information between people or machines more effective or by automating a production process ( for instance by making possible a computerised technique in a factory ) IT can increase the efficiency or simply the flexibility of many organisations .
20 Have the political and creative aspirations of the sector been abandoned in the climate of new realism ’ , or is this simply the beginning of a new phase ?
21 Simply the question of funds .
22 Elsewhere a " tutorial " is simply the name for a small learning group .
23 The pH of a soil , though it sounds mysterious and scientific , is simply the name for the scale which determines the quantities of chemical particles ( hydrogen ions ) contained in the soil solution , more or less of which make the soil acid or alkaline .
24 Death is simply the stopping of your heart .
25 It implies the existence of a unified global economy that has a dynamic beyond simply the interaction of separate domestic economies .
26 By a ‘ goods-specific ’ externality , the important argument in the donor 's utility function is not simply the utility of the recipient but also the quantity of a good ( e.g. health care or education ) consumed by the recipient .
27 All his probing to the roots of religion had discovered simply the bankruptcy of those roots , or at least their apparent irrelevance to the job of finding a meaning in modern life .
28 The other interesting thing you would find about vocabulary and treatment between the tabloids and the Independent is the Independent has a policy of very little coverage of the Royal Family and I suspect that other than a paragraph or a sentence or two of introduction , that those four paragraphs at the foot of the page are simply the text of her speech courtiers and media blamed as the Princess retreats from public life , I suspect that you will find that that is not a story , it is simply a statement of fact and an actual reprint of the text of her speech .
29 The answer is that it is simply the degree of an experience 's pleasantness or painfulness taken at a moment , or its average pleasantness or painfulness over a period .
30 Yeah bu bu but all I 'm saying is though it 's not , they 're not it 's not simply the idea of class it 's the idea that
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