Example sentences of "deal with the problem " in BNC.

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1 A third booklet , called Shading , deals with the problem of light/dark effects produced on carpet pile under natural or artificial lighting ( the effect will change if the pile is brushed in a different direction ) ; it costs 80p , including p&p .
2 This chapter deals with the problem of understanding historical questions .
3 No later Turkish author really deals with the problem except Ismail Belig , who , in his article on Molla Yegan , states that the latter succeeded Molla Fenari as muderris at the Manastir medrese in 771/1369–70 and as kadi of Bursa in 822/1419 when Molla Fenari went on the pilgrimage and spent some time in Egypt on his return .
4 The following extract from this fascinating historical study deals with the problems of locating a ‘ golden age ’ when Britain was relatively free of crime and lawlessness .
5 The essence of the Queen 's Speech is that it deals with the problems that affect every family in our land , such as those that they encounter with the public services and those relating to education , health and the inner cities .
6 For example , the West Glamorgan consumer protection department deals with the problems of the local small shopkeepers and the Office of Fair Trading collates information from it and from all the other consumer departments so that it can identify whether there is a general abuse that needs remedial action .
7 One possible application of the proposals would be to the Civil Aviation Authority , which desperately needs new capital to deal with the problems of air traffic congestion in Europe .
8 We will use the most modern technology to deal with the problems of decommissioning and nuclear waste .
9 This is because it carries out a unique function within the nuclear industry : it tries to deal with the problems left over at the end .
10 The House of Commons saw fit to incorporate a provision in the recent Nullity of Marriage Act to deal with the problems raised .
11 After that , there being no predestination , it is up to the human being concerned to deal with the problems as they arise — successfully or otherwise .
12 This was viewed as crucial to end the long period of disruption in schools and to deal with the problems of student demotivation .
13 However , this should not hide the fact that many , especially urban , councils have capital resources that are inadequate to deal with the problems that face them .
14 Improved management techniques could include new information Points in the inner cities , a decentralization of some services to deprived areas and the appointment of specialist staff to deal with the problems encountered by the long-term unemployed .
15 In accepting being alone much will obviously depend on the reason behind the situation and our ability to deal with the problems related to being a single person : the death of a partner or parents in retirement ; becoming separated or divorced ; adjusting to being an ‘ alien ’ pensioner .
16 Lucinda looks at many types of fences and their alternatives and gives useful tips on how to ride the different obstacles and how to deal with the problems that may arise .
17 It is possible to go on with the same therapist to deal with the problems which caused you to need the regression experience in the first place .
18 I suggest the failure to deal with the problems posed by mass car use — because that is what transport problems , whether pollution , congestion , ‘ accidents ’ , or decline in the possibility of a real public transport system are due to — is both symbolic of , and central to , the bankruptcy of Labourist ideology .
19 The Government has to deal with the problems raised by this new tax with sympathy and understanding .
20 But this would be at a great price for the many to deal with the problems of the few .
21 These will arise , whether justified or not , and may lead to resentment on the part of employees if managements fail to deal with the problems quickly .
22 Town & Country are trained to deal with the problems associated with moving — for example local area orientation ; and offering advice on solicitors ; schools ; household removals and even baby-sitters !
23 The history of the North Wing of Bedford General Hospital is deeply rooted in legislation ; in laws which were designed to deal with the problems arising from unemployment , sickness , destitution and vagrancy .
24 The 1964 survey showed about a third of councillors preferring to deal with the problems of individuals with 43 per cent preferring broad policy matters .
25 To reach such a target audience we probably need , at the minimum , ( a ) about two pages of description by the authors of each unit , telling the user how to load the program , how to drive it , and its limitations both educationally and technically this information could be included on the disc or tape that loads the program ( b ) some incentive to the programmer to document the program to this level , perhaps through its resulting acceptance into a ‘ library ’ ( c ) assurance from those receiving the program that they will be prepared to deal with the problems that such draft programs impose — this implies that they must be fairly competent users of their computer system : they could not expect to get software support from the author , who is likely to be another teacher whose time is fully occupied ( d ) some financial and organizational support for the distribution of programs , even if only on a cooperative basis ( e ) that users of such programs should undertake to report to the authors ( and to the library ? ) on the usefulness of each program received , and if they wish , to make recommendations for improvement .
26 What nursing actions may be selected to deal with the problems ?
27 1 Have I sufficient knowledge to deal with the problems ?
28 Erm there 's been a reduction er , in the er , staff er because er er people have moved on and er , I take Sue 's point about er if it were n't for the fact that erm they 'd got fully e e experienced staff who 've been there some time , they have n't , not used to this churning over o of , and therefore , that has paid off in er in er in erm so far as being able to deal with the problems that have arisen and er , you 'll see further on er , addition profiles of the work that 's been done with er in this area over the town .
29 The regime became increasingly draconian in its attempts to deal with the problems it was confronting ; the society , in turn , began to establish public associations of all kinds , most notably the workers ' defence committee ( KSS-KOR ) , which were independent of party and state control .
30 There needs to be a two-pronged strategy to deal with the problems of the minority of homeless people with mental disorder .
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