Example sentences of "deal [prep] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 The proposed banding system was dealt with at some length by the right hon. Member for Henley ( Mr. Heseltine ) .
2 The leitmotif of this circular was ‘ reasonableness ’ , which was dealt with at some length though without a clear conclusion .
3 Payments are probably dealt with by some junior clerk who applies his or her own interpretation of what the company wants .
4 The connection is most often dealt with by some version of a realist explanation of their ‘ interaction ’ .
5 only resolutions that stood in the name of the Edinburgh branch was dealt with by some of these delegates .
6 So those issues about ‘ blood ’ relations as ‘ natural ’ bonds have been dealt with in some grand , melodramatic way in the American soaps and are now also coming into the British soaps , in less melodramatic forms , but it 's significant that there 's a lot of concern , not around motherhood but actually more around fatherhood .
7 There is no record of John having been apprehended and/or fined at that time , but it is almost certain that he would be dealt with in some way .
8 These are dealt with in some detail elsewhere , but the reader who wishes to study the matter in depth should consult specialist references .
9 Because his wife had made dishes of it as first-night presents for the cast , apart from Titania , who was on a diet and would have to be dealt with in some other way .
10 The labour supply ( including such important aspects as participation , working hours , retirement age , etc ) labour productivity and the role of new technology , structural changes affecting investment trends and other areas such as training , will also be dealt with in some detail .
11 First I want to say a little bit about the nineteen ninety three ninety four building materials pay round which is dealt with in some detail in the written report that you have .
12 If the judge or district judge is satisfied that any proceedings can be more conveniently or fairly dealt with in some other court , he may order the action or matter itself to be transferred to that court ( Ord 16 , r 1 ) .
13 This may be dealt with in some way in the contract in that a certain notice period may have been specified and this may have been adhered to by the parties .
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