Example sentences of "certainly do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And what does it matter to us , ordinary businesspeople , who have day to day jobs to do which certainly do not involve make or break run-ins with unions ?
2 I do n't think you would I certainly do n't think you would find divorced from the real world because he 's involved in consultancy work and research work with the national companies out with the organisation
3 At this Drew became disturbed and emotional , and said that , if the three people that he had previously named — the Lindos and Norman Stubbs , the stage manager — could not testify that he was at the theatre at the time of the murder , he knew of no-one else who could , but he certainly did not commit any murder , nor was he seen in Cross Street with blood on his face .
4 ‘ I most certainly did not knock it over myself ! ’ roared the Trunchbull .
5 Experience alone most certainly did not secure an officer advancement in the customs administration and political interest was essential , as a letter received by Lord Panmure in 1739 made clear .
6 A chef in the professional sense of the word is just exactly what Boulestin was not and certainly did not pretend to be .
7 It certainly did not stop the corruption of power ! ’
8 I certainly did not want existing company schemes to collapse and saw no reason why this should happen .
9 Petting meant doing that so no , she certainly did not want to be petted and much less to pet Edward .
10 The majority of the Soviet population , particularly in Russia and the Central Asian republics , certainly did not want the Union to be eliminated — they wanted its democratic transformation .
11 I did not feel sympathetic towards Catherine , and certainly did not want to frighten my poor master by telling him she was ill .
12 She wanted no thanks , no suspicious questions , and she most certainly did not want to get close to that hard , sensuous mouth .
13 Nicholas certainly did not want to fight alone , and probably did not want to fight at all .
14 But the lords of rail , mine and steel-mill can not really have expected to look paternally over their workers ' shoulders at all times , and they certainly did not do so .
15 While they , unlike Feuerbach , certainly did not intend to turn theology into anthropology , did they nevertheless risk doing precisely that ?
16 The neutrality of Cambodia and Laos certainly did not resolve the security problems of these states .
17 And he certainly did not mean legends and fairy stories ( some of which would be mythical in his sense , some of which would not ) .
18 This certainly did not mean that he had become a tool of Moscow , but that he made a shrewd assessment of which ideology was most likely to speed up progress in Africa .
19 In the past , this did not mean that we would not move from company to company , it most certainly did not mean that we ha that we thought we had a job for life , but it did mean that we expected a degree of permanence and improvement as part of the reward for our endeavours and labour .
20 It certainly did not mean that the two movements had been fused into a single whole .
21 It certainly did not diminish God or lessen His reality .
22 But the need for a military commander certainly did not diminish during Edward 's reign — it became increasingly common for a king-duke 's lieutenant to be appointed to lead the military forces of the duchy , as well as a seneschal with largely judicial functions .
23 Further , they certainly did not succeed in swimming against the deep tide of recession which engulfed Nigeria from 1983 onwards .
24 She certainly did not blend it with the crowd .
25 Alice swore that he only took tea once , and certainly did not stay overnight .
26 If it was then the case , as William Weber wrote , that ‘ La musique ancienne returned to dominate … as never before ’ in the actual repertory , matters of performance practice , by contrast , certainly did not stay static .
27 I do not think those were happy times in Emerson 's marriage and they certainly did not enhance his general image in the sport .
28 Freud certainly did not hold this assertion to be true .
29 John Coffin was in his office crouched in the imitation Bauhaus chair which did not really accommodate his bulk and certainly did not offer the comfort it promised .
30 He merely strengthens the conclusions of the three wise men , who think that there may have been some recent decline but who certainly did not atribute it to the national curriculum , as the hon. Gentleman did .
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