Example sentences of "voice [vb past] from the " in BNC.

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1 Hundreds of voices whispered from the walls , the ceiling and the floors .
2 Voices rose from the waste-ground at the back of the house — they were discussing how to chain up the dog .
3 Voices came from the battlements , and a twinkle of steel .
4 Voices came from the direction of the offices and he found Fox expostulating with a tall youngish man , a Glynn without doubt and the heir apparent .
5 ‘ Who is it ? ’ a voice asked from the darkness beyond .
6 " She 's over here , " a voice shouted from the top of the cliff .
7 ‘ Wait ! ’ a girl 's voice shouted from the back of the court .
8 ‘ Wait ! ’ a familiar voice shouted from the Swift offices .
9 I remember sitting mesmerized in front of my Dad 's small black-and-white television as Ali 's voice roared from the huge world outside and through the TV 's rattling three-inch speaker .
10 When the shapeless Blob cornered the heroine Tina , a voice came from the back of the stalls , ‘ You 're all right Tina , he 's got no thingy . ’
11 Otley 's voice came from the trees on the river bank and suddenly he was in the water hauling me out .
12 A voice came from the corridor calling , ‘ Agnes ! ’
13 A familiar voice came from the door .
14 ‘ But , Richard , ’ a voice came from the floor .
15 A voice came from the shadows of the doorway behind them .
16 The voice came from the doorway behind her .
17 The only dissenting voice came from the Uttar Pradesh MP Chandra Shekhar , a long-standing factional opponent of the Prime Minister .
18 The voice came from the terminal .
19 Miguel 's voice came from the dim interior .
20 Suddenly a voice bellowed from the top of the alleyway .
21 A voice wailed from the hearth .
22 ‘ Sergeant Bird ! ’ a voice yelled from the back .
23 Jesus Christ , you 'd think you were the bloody Queen ! ’ a voice resounded from the kitchen .
24 ‘ We 're dying of bloody thirst over ere , ’ Billy 's voice growled from the fireplace .
25 Brightly patterned bunk covers and matching curtains provided splashes of colour , and , having examined each one in turn , she was about to leave number four when Silas 's voice spoke from the doorway .
26 Shiona jumped and spun round , startled , as a voice spoke from the drawing-room doorway behind her .
27 ‘ So you 've finally lost your last marble ’ a voice said from the far end of the room .
28 Nate , go git a bucket of cold water an ’ throw it over ‘ em , ’ Curtis 's voice rasped from the door .
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