Example sentences of "cut off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 People pushed and shoved , stared at his madder lake suit , trousers cut off at the knee .
2 Cut off at the neck !
3 Oliver was close behind as she ran towards the pedlar , then cut off to the side .
4 In modern English , moral and mental conditions are spoken of in more or less abstract terms ( anger , suspicion , forcefulness and so on ) cut off for the most part , from their etymological roots …
5 Aid workers say Central Bosnia , cut off for the first time this Winter by the war between Croats and Muslims , is facing a humanitarian catastrophe .
6 loving 's got to stop Cut off by the
7 This figure includes skin divers , bathers and water skiers , people and vehicles cut off by the tide and casualties who had fallen from cliffs or man-made structures .
8 The trouble with you is , he said , that you 've grown fat in your little cocoon here in London , cut off from the realities of the world .
9 The two of us stand next to his second hole unable to distinguish sky and lake and cut off from the other pair .
10 Cut off from the only social contact and emotional support he had known , he went downhill and ended up being arrested for stealing .
11 In a crumbling mansion on the edge of a lake from which a mist constantly rises , Roderick Usher and his sister live out their lives cut off from the rest of the world .
12 Divested of their natural homes and hunting grounds , cut off from the renewable natural resources on which they depended , observing the continuing slaughter by visitors licensed to kill and construct , and disinherited from the financial or other benefits of these exercises , they became party to the most misguided and cynical game this century : the over-exploitation and destruction of the natural environment for the benefit of a few .
13 The French soldiers , cut off from the other guests both linguistically and emotionally , spoke only amongst themselves , occasionally voluble , more often morose .
14 Cut off from the world for a weekend , what started out as a bit of a laugh for Gordon , Angus , Roy and Neville turns into a carnival of recrimination , backbiting , French cricket and sausages .
15 Cut off from the Reich by the Polish Corridor these people felt themselves to be German and to be threatened by the new Polish state .
16 The area became marginalised , cut off from the hub of business activity across the river .
17 On her lonely perch , cut off from the amiable mindless warmth of the mob , Jess shifted , taking a cautious step back towards the edge of the counter .
18 Lee stood , stranded , cut off from the future .
19 On the contrary , I think it more likely that , cut off from the source of rationality , the Godhead itself , the Devil is evil but irrational .
20 Of course it is one thing to state baldly that modern Christians are often ineffectual in their witness and live in a privatised world , cut off from the mainstream of social life , but it is quite another thing to make out a case that it is so .
21 On the one hand we can see it as a master stroke of the Devil : Christians and humans everywhere have been forced into private enclaves cut off from the public world and each other .
22 Tolkien was not by any means cut off from the mainstream of English poetry , though the qualities he valued were not surprise , the mot juste , verbal complexity , but rather a slow probing of the familiar .
23 The Jews were in exile after 586 BC and found themselves cut off from the temple .
24 Always in a dream , cut off from the world — and forever being dreadfully wounded over the slightest thing .
25 But more importantly it is a good starting place for exploring the lesser known eastern valleys which are peaceful , quiet and cut off from the rest of the Lake District .
26 At regional level , too , new sources of authority emerged ; in the coastal Basque provinces , cut off from the heartland of Republican Spain , the separate Basque Republic of Euskadi came into existence ; in Catalonia , where Companys reached an accommodation with the CNT , an anti-fascist Militia Committee ran affairs independently of Madrid ; and in October Aragon became an autonomous CNT fief administered by its own regional ‘ Council ’ .
27 Twenty years ago , many of the smaller economies were more or less cut off from the world market economy .
28 I cut off from the lane up towards Great Coum and the Megger Stones .
29 Cut off from the outside world , the Spaniard needed an intimate social life and the interest it supplied to conversation .
30 Not listening was always one of my faults and one of the reasons I so frequently found myself isolated in misunderstanding : like a careless rider , cut off from the company , alone and benighted for failing to pay attention to the prevailing agreements as to intention and direction .
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