Example sentences of "grow in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Marginal plants , as their name implies , grow in the shallow water at the pool 's edge and can either be grown in planting baskets , like waterlilies , or in soil that has been placed directly on the marginal shelf .
2 The almond trees grow in the fertile valleys of California , neatly planted in straight lines .
3 Night Goblins eat vast quantities of the multi-coloured fungi that grow in the dank caves where they live .
4 Things grow in the warm darkness , I said , but I prefer it cold and moonlit .
5 ‘ The crystals always grow in the same direction and then they are shaped , ’ they say .
6 Waterlilies and other deep-water aquatics grow in the deeper central portion of the pool .
7 After two years of negative growth , the economy did grow in the mid 1980s at a phenomenal rate .
8 Specifically with respect to Latin America , Soviet commentators have written , ‘ The socialist countries … are interested in widening their trade and economic ties with Latin America , particularly in the form of regular purchases of individual foodstuffs which either do not grow in the temperate climate of the socialist countries ( coffee , cocoa-beans , bananas , and so on ) or whose production at home is not yet sufficient to meet the population 's needs completely ’ ( a discreet reference to grain and meat , which the Soviet Union has purchased in substantial quantities in Latin America ) ( Zhuravleva : 1983 , p. 44 ) .
9 How large will my Snakehead grow in the present set-up , and what is its life expectancy ?
10 Urging firms to take up the challenge of the new markets to safeguard their future , he added : ‘ It is the innovative and proactive oil and gas service companies of Scotland with the vision and drive to explore and capitalise on international markets who will succeed and grow in the next century . ’
11 In another study , Johansen and Fuguitt ( 1984 ) from a sample of 572 of the 11,334 villages in the USA ( defined as a population of less than 2,500 in 1960 ) found that while only half of the villages had grown in the 1950s , two-thirds had grown in the 1970s , and that this growth was no longer restricted to the larger villages .
12 This is a movement which has grown in the only way that alliances can , from the bottom up ; it is not merely a discussion group , but a real movement engaged in real debate .
13 Can he give any information as to how arrangements such as job sharing have grown in the civil service to facilitate that desirable outcome ?
14 He realized the boy had grown in the two months since he had last seen him and looked at him carefully , noticing the way his wrists poked out of the shirt and the slight roughness of the clear skin .
15 BREAD made from spelt , a type of grain first grown in the late Stone Age , is poised to become a new ‘ health-food ’ , a miller of organic flour forecast yesterday .
16 The shoots of plants grown in the 38-m chamber were enclosed by a transparent cover through which air was moved in one direction .
17 Tom adds however that he has only ever seen a maximum of two wolf teeth grown in the upper jaw ; four wolf teeth are extremely rare .
18 who have grown in the delicate light
19 If plants have anything wrong with them it may have already been there when they were obtained , or it is a sign that they are not being grown in the right conditions .
20 And the hair that looked as though it had been dramatically carved out of something shiny rather than been grown in the normal way .
21 This low-level theory , if spelt out in more detail , amounts to the claim that if wheat is grown in the normal way , converted into bread in the normal way and eaten by humans in a normal way , then those humans will be nourished .
22 The cadets , who had fasted for five days , now gorged themselves on toxic fungi from a death world specially grown in the hydro-culture vats , slurped up glutinous soup made from decomposing venom-gland fish , devoured foul cadavers heaped with stenchful excremental sauce , and chewed their way through discarded parchment and leather , while officers , Battle Brothers , and older cadets dined more modestly on fresh fruit and vegetables .
23 Some cattle are reared on permanent pasture on the lower slopes and a few fodder crops of grass , oats and potatoes are grown in the lower valleys .
24 As demand for the drug has grown in the developed North , cocaine production has skyrocketed — up 600 per cent since 1980 .
25 When anything is being grown in the Third World , the United States seems to stand ready to supply all the technical inputs required .
26 Most of the major American universities ( whether public or privately endowed ) have grown in the post-war period due to large defence related expenditure .
27 So the tumour , if tumour it was , had grown in the last six months .
28 Either the tumour in my lung had grown in the last three and a half weeks , in which case it must be even more in evidence , or it had stood still , in which case today 's X-rays must be much the same as the previous ones , or it had diminished .
29 Around the Stratford locomotive works a powerful cooperative movement had grown in the last third of the nineteenth century , and from the Beckton gasworks in 1889 new unionism had sprung .
30 The proportion of jobs with pension schemes has grown in the last twenty years , with the result that the ‘ young ’ elderly have a greater chance of benefiting from them than the older elderly .
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