Example sentences of "grow [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The best wines are made from the highest vines northwest of Grauves , which grow up to a height of 220 metres , and from those in an east-facing gulley , south-west of the village .
2 It is not only the victims of mental or physical abuse who grow up with a faulty self-image .
3 And those that do , grow up in a sub-culture that is a disgrace to England ; unable to read or write , born to crime as a way of life , most of them have never even seen the inside of a church .
4 This will differ according to the richness of the environment provided by the home and the wider community , but all children live and grow up in a print-rich world full of writing and people who write .
5 There are those who grow up in a very rigid and often fiercely religious environment , crushed into a mould , dictated by unbending rules and regulations , where little demonstrative love is shown .
6 I was concerned to understand what it was like to leave school and grow up in a world with little work .
7 An children grow up in a flash ,
8 Unless children grow up in a family , they are bound to find it hard to share and , until she starts playing with other children 's toys , she may well think that all toys belong to her .
9 It 's when the teachers think this is a boring , mundane , difficult thing to do , then that tends to be put over to the children and of course the disaster is that the children will believe it , and it if the children will believe it then we grow up in a highly technological society producing very few technologists or scientists .
10 It 's when the teachers think this is a boring , mundane , difficult thing to do , then that tends to be put over to the children and of course the disaster is that the children will believe it , and it if the children will believe it then we grow up in a highly technological society producing very few technologists or scientists .
11 ‘ I mean removing the obvious , stupid ways of doing things which grow up within a business .
12 Bottom , between those of the Lovers in the pas de deux and those of Titania and Bottom , the movements grow out of a firm technical choreographic design .
13 The scallops would be put on to the seabed after about two years growth in special nets , and grown on for a further two years before harvesting .
14 She 'd grown up into a beautiful fair girl , and every lad in the county had his eye on her , as Billy knew from all the women 's gossip .
15 These can be grown up as a pure bacterial growth in a veterinary laboratory .
16 The pretenders became genuine contenders by showing how much they have grown up as a team .
17 Not bad for a girl who had grown up on a council estate .
18 ‘ As a farmer whose children have grown up on a busy farm , I am very aware of the risks and the work pressures that all too easily lead to children being exposed to danger .
19 He had grown up with a love of the countryside .
20 The problems of Russia suddenly became topical two years ago at school , and although I 'd grown up with a faint mistrust of ‘ Commies ’ , in 1988 I started writing to Murat , a young Russian .
21 She was fortunate in that those who had passed through their political puberty in the fifties and sixties had grown up with a hazy notion of the Establishment .
22 We had grown up with a monopoly situation and there was no semblance of looking outside .
23 That impressionable child who had swooned and sighed and lain in bed dreaming of Jake MacKay had finally grown up with a vengeance .
24 No I especially hope it will be read by sceptics , by people who have grown up with a kind of psychologically inspired dismissal of religion , people who 've become so sophisticated , so busy they have no time for it , people who are so bemused by technology , by the greatness of human achievement , the computers , the moon rockets , the medical advances , that in their worship of human talent they forget that there 's a point where human power ends and the power of God begins .
25 If we are referring to a mass of matter we can say that it is the same so long as it consists of the same particles , whereas if we are referring to a living body this need not be so : ‘ a colt grown up to a horse , sometimes fat , sometimes lean , is all the while the same horse : though … there may be a manifest change of the parts . ’
26 It has even been speculated that a community which has grown up around a manufacturing plant may have a claim for compensation against the owners , if the latter decide to close the plant , in order to compensate for the diminution of land values and the destruction of the local economy .
27 He had grown up in a quasi-syndicalist tradition in the Liverpool docks , and his influence in the sixties had been thrown behind the growth of the shop-stewards movement and local plant bargaining on a devolved basis very much on the lines of the 1968 Donovan Report .
28 The new generation has grown up in a continuation of that climate , one of falsity and evasion .
29 Jobs apart , looking young and sexy may still seem important and desirable to many of those who have grown up in a society which lays such emphasis on youth and sex .
30 So she had grown up in a cold , almost emotionally empty vacuum .
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