Example sentences of "grow [adv] in an " in BNC.

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1 So children grow up in an atmosphere of harassment and greater poverty . ’
2 Racism poisons a lot of children 's minds — they grow up in an environment with all these images around them , in comics , newspapers , TV , films , plus everything they hear from the family or friends — they just can not help taking it in .
3 Daughter of a Spanish nobleman who had been an officer in the army of Napoleon I , and who had also held a post as Court Chamberlain , Eugénie had grown up in an atmosphere which was hopeful of , and sympathetic to , a Bonapartist restoration , her father having always remained faithful to the Bonaparte dynasty .
4 These examples may seem to be somewhat removed from the experience of a child who has grown up in an inner-city slum .
5 She 's grown up in an atmosphere of decadence and disgustingness where her mother 's with her uncle and her uncle 's this lech , and people are being beheaded and crucified and tortured and murdered all around her . ’
6 In so far as they have grown up in an ad hoc fashion , designed by the art colleges on an individual basis , it is difficult to generalize about them .
7 Many adults have grown up in an environment in which they have picked up extremely infantile notions — notions which have never been challenged directly , but which , because of their almost total inadequacy and failure to square with other knowledge and experience , cause religion itself to be rejected as people become more sophisticated in other departments of life and other areas of knowledge .
8 For so many British children , growing up in an inner city area could mean missing out on so many things they need to grow up healthy and secure .
9 Middle child Seth called himself ‘ an addictive personality growing up in an alcoholic household ’ , honing his skills of deceit and manipulation .
10 Misinterpretation is easy for children today growing up in an environment very different from those in which the stories were told originally .
11 These are portraits of the artist who grows up in an age of revolutionary socialism and who has to make what he can of it .
12 This is why a child who grows up in an atmosphere where artistic beauty is in evidence and talked about and striven after has an enormous advantage over the child from a background of visual ugliness in which people are innocent of any artistic discernment .
13 ii In an otherwise cautious account of English Juvenile Courts ( 1938 ) Winifred Elkin also gave vent to ‘ the feeling that life has no sure foundations and that the future is utterly uncertain' , believing that ‘ it is not morally healthy for children to grow up in an atmosphere of restlessness and pleasure-seeking …
14 I think to come back to an earlier question of what should you teach them , and what is normal , is that ideally a child wants to grow up in an environment where his or her parents enjoy here , where the relationship is enjoyable on both sides and not shot through with anxiety about how well this child is developing , providing the development is within the normal range .
15 I think to come back to an earlier question of what should you teach them , and what is normal , is that ideally a child wants to grow up in an environment where his or her parents enjoy here , where the relationship is enjoyable on both sides and not shot through with anxiety about how well this child is developing , providing the development is within the normal range .
16 He grew up in an age when the youth of the Netherlands were preoccupied with the tales of oppression and corruption in the colonial service revealed some 50 years earlier by the writings of ED Dekker ( writing as ‘ Multatuli ’ ) .
17 I grew up in an area that did n't have any live theatre to speak of , but we did have a local cinema house , and I was just in awe of this thing called the cinema .
18 He is indeed ‘ the most political of all our poets ’ and this is hardly surprising when we remember that he grew up in an age of Revolution .
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