Example sentences of "date at [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , when dates are suggested for changes in these forms , they are usually given , without comment , as the dates at which the changes took place in this standard variety or its unilinear precursor , and not the dates at which they might have taken place in some other variety .
2 Despite this , however , they are then usually cited as the dates at which the changes took place ‘ in English ’ .
3 Priority , as between successive mortgagees of shares , is determined by the date at which the mortgages were effected , as a company is under no obligation to accept notices by mortgagees .
4 If the holder has an option to redeem at a premium , that premium should be accrued over the period to the earliest date at which the option can be exercised .
5 If either party has the option to require the instrument to be redeemed or cancelled and , under the terms of the instrument , it is uncertain as to whether such an option will be exercised , the term should be taken to end on the earliest date at which the instrument would be redeemed or cancelled on exercise of such an option .
6 Where committed facilities are in existence at the balance sheet date which permit the refinancing of debt for a period beyond its maturity , the earliest date at which the lender has the right to demand repayment should be taken to be the maturity date of the longest refinancing permitted by a facility in respect of which all the following conditions are met :
7 In accordance with paragraph 14 of the [ draft ] FRS , the term of convertible debt with a premium put option should be considered to end on the earliest date at which the holder has the option to require redemption .
8 Since this is a controversial subject , on which the weight of scholarly opinion probably still supports Böhmer 's thesis that the documents already existed in their contaminated form in 1072 , and were used by Lanfranc in this form , it will perhaps help to clarify a complicated issue if I set out as bluntly as possible the reasons which seem to me to point decisively to 1120 as the date at which the forged additions were inserted into the texts .
9 There is a six-year Statute of Limitations which relates to the period from the date at which the competing claim was first asserted ( not at the time the work of art was stolen nor the date of subsequent sale ) .
10 The commission could agree to forget about the argument over the date at which the directive applied , so long as Britain removes all the ‘ excessive discretion . ’
11 But this only tells us the earliest date at which the book could have been written , not the latest date , which is of more interest .
12 The study of ( ht ) in Havelok is of course relevant to the date at which the velar fricative [ x ] before [ t ] ( in right , might , etc. ) was lost in English .
13 ‘ It must be remembered , however , that Handscomb was principally concerned with the fixing of the date at which the period of detention should be reviewed …
14 What makes it more meaningful is that any such authority , whether given in the articles or by a resolution , must state the maximum number of securities which can be issued under it and the date at which the authority will expire .
15 the status history of the DC , that is for each state through which the DC has passed , including the current state , the date at which the DC last entered that state .
16 the date at which the assessment was requested
17 the date at which the assessment was given
18 This is the date at which the novelty of the invention is tested against the " state of the art " .
19 The certificate of search conveniently gives both the date at which the search was made , and the date on which the period of priority will expire — and note , again , that to have the protection of that priority you must not only complete your purchase or mortgage , but also lodge the application to register the transaction ( LR form A4 or A5 ) within the priority period — hence the virtue of the procedure for effecting registration when there is unavoidable delay mentioned above .
20 In Gledhow Autoparts Ltd v Delaney [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 1366 Diplock LJ said " It is natural … to tend to look at what in fact happened under the agreement ; but the question of the validity of a covenant in restraint of trade has to be determined at the date at which the agreement was entered into and has to be determined in the light of what may happen under the agreement , although what may happen may be and always is different in some respects from what did happen .
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