Example sentences of "hundred years [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Much had changed in Wales in the two hundred years since Llewelyn ap Iorwerth the Great ; but this was not changed .
2 It is still in the working out of that complex moral equation that the challenge lies , but in the two hundred years since Burke , we are little nearer to finding a wholly adequate , much less ideal , solution .
3 If we had five hundred years on earth we could say , ‘ OK , I 'll spend the first hundred years doing nothing in particular , the next hundred learning about life , the next hundred building a relationship , the next hundred working and my last hundred in leisure . ’
4 A hundred years of jollitude
5 It represents the climax of more than six hundred years of experimentation in palace building by Indo-Islamic architects , and is by far the most substantial monument — and in its day was also by far the most magnificent — that the Mughals left behind them in Delhi .
6 We looked almost in vain at one hundred years of literature on cinema for evidence of how going to the pictures is experienced by audiences as a collective rite rich in surreal experience .
7 A somewhat different case is García Márquez 's One Hundred Years of Solitude which recounts the history of the small town of Macondo , not so much as it actually happened , but as its inhabitants experienced and interpreted it and as it was transmitted by popular oral tradition .
8 In A Hundred Years of Solitude we even sense that the writer wants to take us back into childhood , into the time when ‘ the world was … recent . ’
9 One hundred years of solitude
10 It is a familiar theme in Latin American fiction , and something of the flavour of this part of Panama can be gleaned from Garcia Marquez 's One Hundred Years Of Solitude , set in the forgotten swamps of Colombia ( of which Panama once formed part ) .
11 Julio Cortázar ( Argentina ) : The Winners ( 1960 ) ; Hopscotch ( 1963 ) ; 62 : A Model Kit ( 1968 ) Carlos Fuentes ( Mexico ) : The Death of Artemio Cruz ( 1962 ) ; A Change of Skin ( 1967 ) ; Terra nostra ( 1977 ) Gabriel García Márquez ( Colombia ) : No One Writes to the Colonel ( 1961 ) ; Big Mama 's Funeral ( 1962 ) ; One Hundred Years of Solitude ( 1967 ) ; The Autumn of the Patriarch ( 1975 ) Mario Vargas Llosa ( Peru ) : The Time of the Hero ( 1963 ) ; The Green House ( 1966 ) ; Conversation in the Cathedral ( 1969 ) ; The War of the End of the World ( 1981 ) José Lezama Lima ( Cuba ) : Paradiso ( 1966 ) Guillermo Cabrera Infante ( Cuba ) : Three Trapped Tigers ( 1967 ) José Donoso ( Chile ) : The Obscene Bird of Night ( 1970 ) ; A House in the Country ( 1978 ) Manuel Puig ( Argentina ) : Betrayed by Rita Hayworth ( 1968 ) ; Heartbreak Tango ( 1969 ) ; Kiss of the Spider Woman ( 1976 ) Alfredo Bryce Echenique ( Peru ) : A World for Julius ( 1970 ) ; So Many Times Pedro ( 1977 )
12 A case in point is Gabriel García Márquez 's One Hundred Years of Solitude , on whose closing page the last of the Buendía family finally succeeds in deciphering the hitherto incomprehensible manuscript presented to the family by the mysterious gypsy Melquíades , only to discover that it is an account of the history of the Buendías written 100 years before , that they will cease to exist when he finishes reading it and that he is , in effect , no more than a creature of Melquíades 's imagination , with no existence outside the pages of the manuscript .
13 When , in One Hundred Years of Solitude , the last Aureliano Buendía tries to persuade others of the truth of his version of certain events , he runs up against the scepticism of the local priest who , ironically , is conspicuously lacking in the certainties which he is supposed to embody :
14 Most of the new novelists , in fact , set out to portray in their works the social reality of their respective countries , and some novels — notably Carpentier 's Explosion in a Cathedral , García Márquez 's One Hundred Years of Solitude and Vargas Llosa 's The War of the End of the World — are continental in scope , reflecting the reality of Latin America as a whole .
15 In García Márquez 's One Hundred Years of Solitude , for example , the telepathic communication , which confounds the laws of nature to reunite José Arcadio and Ursula in spirit at the moment of his murder , is conveyed symbolically in physical terms : the son 's blood goes in search of the source from which it sprang , climbing kerbs , doing right-angled turns and running along the walls to avoid staining the carpets , and , as the mother follows the trail back to his body , it becomes a kind of monstrous umbilical cord re-establishing the pre-natal bond between them .
16 One Hundred Years Of Solitude , Gabriel García Márquez ( in the Picador translation )
17 I think Melquíades , the Gipsy in Gabriel Garcia Marquez' A Hundred Years of Solitude , gives an answer when he says ‘ Things have a life of their own …
18 Gabriel Garcia Marquez' A Hundred Years of Solitude also begins with a childhood but it engages with a quite different feeling :
19 If ruthlessly destroying a hundred years of tradition , not to mention a massive loss of capital , is ‘ pioneering ’ , than it must surely rank with the pioneering attempts of Stalin in purging Soviet libraries of all books that departed from his orthodoxy .
20 Based at Milton Keynes , it 's the country 's largest distribution company , but the move has been condemned as undermining more than a hundred years of service to the public .
21 In local studies , for instance , there is a local church , particularly if it is a fairly old village church with a few hundred years of history behind it .
22 Maybe a hundred years of history and tradition will defeat us .
23 Mind you , with a hundred years of refinement and improvement behind it , you still ca n't afford to ignore good old ‘ Sutton Globe ’ .
24 ‘ Seven or eight hundred years of sewers , underground rivers , tunnels , and nobody knows where half of them are until they 're excavating or making changes , as they were at the Priory .
25 ‘ Do n't you think that if after seven hundred years of London government , you ca n't do better than this , you ought to leave Ireland to govern itself , and get out with the best grace you may ? ’
26 It is historically untrue to say that religious decline in Europe began in the twentieth century : the majority of working people in the first one hundred years of industrialism were not regular churchgoers ( though the new middle classes were ) .
27 Whereas Philip V succeeded ( where two hundred years of Hapsburg effort had failed ) in dismantling the political institutions that gave Catalonia , Valencia , and Aragon a quasi-independent status his successors failed to diminish the fueros of the Basque Provinces — Guipúzcoa , Vizcaya , Alava — and of Navarre .
28 A hundred years of missionary effort had failed utterly ; its only effect had been to confirm the Abyssinians in their attachment to their ancient faith and to sow in them the seeds of xenophobia .
29 He said , ‘ What a breed of people two hundred years of imperialism has given birth to .
30 A few hundred years of respectability and the attitude was hardening .
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