Example sentences of "hundred years [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1914 , Sulgrave Manor was presented by a body of British subscribers to the Peoples of Great Britain and the United States of America , in celebration of the Hundred Years Peace between the two nations .
2 As a result of this misunderstanding , for three hundred years sufferers from gonorrhoea were treated with mercury with all the risks that that entailed .
3 England was something like a nation by the closing stages of the Hundred Years War with France in the mid-fifteenth century , and France was certainly much more like a nation at the end of the war than she had been at the beginning .
4 The alternative and , in the last resort , not so very different view is that which sees the Hundred Years War as a wider civil war in which a policy of royal centralisation , based on Paris , was opposed not only by the dukes of Aquitaine and Normandy ( in both cases king of England ) , but by those of Brittany , and ( late in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries ) , Burgundy .
5 The strategic equivalent of the Constitution are the ‘ Three Pillars ’ of British strategy that cohave evolved since Crécy and Agincourt in the Hundred Years War of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries .
6 Inspired by the martyrdom of Joan of Arc and backed by the forces of Burgundy , the French expelled the English from all their former possessions except Calais , bringing the so-called Hundred Years War to a successful conclusion in 1453 .
7 When Edward III wished to offer an especially lavish girt of twelve table vessels of pure gold , a great cup and ewer , twenty-four spoons , and forks ‘ on which to hold meat ’ to Pope Benedict XII on the eve of the Hundred Years War in 1337 , his agent still bought them in Paris .
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